Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Resep Croque Monsieur

Waktu Tepat Merawat Kulit

Waktu-waktu Tepat Merawat Kulit - Dalam segi perawatan waktunya, kesemua metode tersebut disesuaikan kembali dengan kebutuhan kebersihan kulit wajah, yakni:
  1. Perawatan Harian :
    Untuk perawatan harian lakukan proses Pembersihan dan Penyegaran 2x sehari.

Cara Sederhana Merawat Kulit

3 Cara Sederhana Merawat Kulit Pada Musim Hujan

Musim hujan sebentar lagi datang. Musim ini  bisa jadi merupakan musim favorit saya, karena dingin dan sejuk. Apalagi cuaca Indonesia yang mostly panas, saat musim hujan, udara terasa lebih ramah. Sayangnya, saat musim hujan, udara dan angin yang kencang justru dapat membuat kulit lebih kusam, sensitif, dan kering. Nah, bagaimana menghindari kondisi kulit yang tidak sehat saat cuaca hujan, berikut 3 tip sederhananya.

5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Merusak Kulit Wajah

Inilah 5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Merusak Kulit Wajah

Inilah 5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Merusak Kulit WajahKulit menjadi perhiasaan tubuh yang membutuhkan perhatian dan perawatan untuk mengindari berbagai masalah kulit. Terutama kulit wajah, timbul satu jerawat saja sudah jadi masalah besar untuk sebagian perempuan. Selain merawat kulit wajah agar sehat dan segar merona, penting untuk memperhatikan hal-hal yang dapat merusak kulit wajah, sehingga memicu terjadinya berbagai masalah pada kulit wajah.

Tip Perawatan Kulit Kombinasi

Tip Perawatan Untuk Kulit Kombinasi (Oily & Dry)

Tip Perawatan Untuk Kulit Kombinasi (Oily & Dry)Metode perawatan untuk kulit berminyak (oily) pasti akan berbeda dengan jenis kulit yang kering. Merawat kulit yang berminyak ataupun kering saja sudah susah apalagi jika harus merawat kombinasi/gabungan dari kedua jenis kulit tersebut. Nah Beauty Lovers, apakah kulit Anda tergolong dalam jenis kulit kombinasi? Yuk, simak tip-tip berikut ini.

Kulit Gampang Jerawatan

Kulit Gampang Jerawatan? Ikuti Tips Simpel Ini Yuk!

Jerawat adalah salah satu masalah wajah yang mulai muncul saat remaja menginjak masa pubertas. Selain di wajah, jerawat pun bisa tumbuh hingga daerah punggung. Keadaan ini menandakan kemungkinan besar kulit kamu adalah tipe kulit yang cenderung sangat rentan berjerawat. Meskipun ada banyak perawatan untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat, namun mencegah timbulnya jerawat lebih baik daripada mengobati bukan?

10 Fun Apps Make You Smarter

10 Fun Apps That Will Make You Smarter

Fun Apps That Will Make You Smarter
There are many apps that will help you exercise your brain and make you smarter. I think it’s the beauty of technology these days. You can use a fun app while stimulating your mind, isn’t it awesome? These incredible apps will help reduce your risk of developing memory loss, improve your cognitive function and strengthen your neural networks. Moreover, you will learn lots of interesting things and boost your memory. Read on to find out a few fun apps that will make you smarter.

Yogis nearly stop heart beat


Like the Tibetan monks, Indian Yogis seem to have an unusual talent for manipulating their physiological processes while in deep meditation. After hearing stories of yogis spending 28 days underground and surviving, in 1936, a French cardiologist named Therese Brosse traveled to India to see if the yogis truly did have such talents. In her experiments, the yogis reportedly slowed their heart down so slow that it was only detectable via an EKG machine.

Drying Sheets


10-Tumo2-450Judging by their ability to meditate for hours on end, to abstain from food for days, and their vows of silence, most us would agree that Tibetan Monks have better control over their minds and bodies than the average person. Still, what’s particularly amazing is some of them can control physiological processes, such as blood pressure and body temperature – feats many medical doctors find astounding.

Multiple Personality Disorder


Multiple personality disorder, or dissociative identity disorder, is a mental condition that’s interesting on many levels. Perhaps most intriguing of all is how some sufferers not only exhibit personality and behavior changes as they switch between their different identities, but some also have measurable physiological variations between each persona. For instance, one of a patient’s personalities may need eyeglasses and another won’t. Or, one identity might be diabetic and another will have perfect health. In such cases, it isn’t simply a matter of the patients thinking they need eyeglasses or insulin, their bodies actually go through legitimate alterations, such as differences in intraocular pressure or blood sugar levels.

Placebo effect


placebo is an inert substance or belief which produces real biological effects in humans. It’s so widely accepted as fact that a placebo variable is included in most medical tests as way of proving if, say, a drug works on its own merits or because people “think” it works.

Nocebo effect


While placebos are generally associated with positive outcomes, like curing an illness or getting drunk on O’Douls and having fun (if you consider that positive), the nocebo effect produces negative results, such as a cancer patient vomiting before chemotherapy starts or someone breaking out in a rash because they thought they touched poison ivy, even though it was merely an ordinary plant.

Dreams cause real injuries


Two Types Of Dream By Desexign-Full
There are a lot of stories floating around out there about people who experienced an injury in their dreams and then found real, physical evidence of the wound on their bodies once they awoke. For instance, some people have claimed to have been caught in a fire in their dreams and then woke up to find burn marks on their skin. Other common stories involve people being attacked during their dreams and then waking up to find scratch marks somewhere on their bodies. However, most of these stories are found in chat rooms or message boards, so it’s hard to corroborate if they are true.

Sports visualization


Many athletes claim it helps them perform better when they “play” the game in their minds before ever stepping foot on the field or court. While we might assume doing so is just a mental exercise that enables them to better focus on the game, there might be more concrete changes happening inside the body.

Block out pain


Jack Schwarz, a Dutch Jewish writer, also lived in horrific conditions while forced into a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. Like so many others, he was beaten, starved, and tortured beyond what most of us can comprehend. To cope with his situation, he began the practice of meditation and prayer, which he developed to the point where he could block out the pain of his torment and subsequently withstand his situation.

positivity and meditation


Undoubtedly it’s difficult to keep a positive attitude when you’re facing a life-threatening disease, but, based on a variety of medical studies, doing so may mean the difference between living and dying.



It seems counterintuitive that increasing numbers of people are claiming to put a greater effort into exercising and eating a nutritious diet, yet there are more obese people in the world than ever before. Some researchers think positivity is a missing variable in the weight loss equation, and a lack of it is what’s keeping people chubby.

10 Delicious Ingredients to Add to Your Green Juice

10 Delicious Ingredients to Add to Your Green Juice

Delicious Ingredients to Add to Your Green Juice
Although green juices are healthy, unfortunately most of the time they are not tasty. Since I’m always on the lookout for new ingredients to add to my green juices, I’ve found a lot of them and can say that it’s easy to improve the taste of any green juice and enjoy it every day. Juicing is good for your immune system, digestion, skin, and weight. A lot of fruits, vegetables and greens are healthy to juice, but if you are new to juicing they might not taste the best. It’s important to know how to make green juices more palatable so that you could drink them regularly. If you are curious to find out the list of delicious ingredients to add to your green juice, keep on reading.

15 Signs Great Girlfriend

15 Signs That You Have A Great Girlfriend

If you’re dating a girl, check off these 15 signs that you have a great girlfriend. If you find a girl who fits this description, hold onto her!