Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

Create the Illusion of Longer Legs

Instant Ways to Create the Illusion of Longer Legs

The season of light summer dresses, mini skirts and short shorts is almost here, which means you’ll show your legs each day. Most women dream of having long legs, but let’s face it – this dream can actually come true in a jiffy. How? Easy! Lots of famous women create the illusion of longer legs, and you can do the same. Stop hiding your beautiful legs away under maxi skirts and dresses, follow these seven tips for creating the illusion of longer, prettier legs.

How Not to Break Down

Tips on How Not to Break Down in the Pursuit of Happiness

No matter whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist, modern life is getting harder day by day. The older you get, the more responsibilities and risks you take, because you wholeheartedly want to win the race in the pursuit of happiness. You have to work hard, sleep less, sacrifice yourself and swallow your pride to reach a desirable goal and prove everyone that you were born with the spirit of a champion. But even champions should understand that they’re not made of steel. Sooner or later your willpower can collapse under the influence of different life conditions and events. Sometimes even your favorite motivational songs, videos and inspiration boards cannot recharge the battery of patience and willpower inside your heart. 

I’ve already experienced a great number of emotional breakdowns and I know that when you’re totally exhausted and tired of everything, it’s better to reduce information flows and look for more effective ways that will really work. By all means, try to fill your days with something new and break the routine life cycle, because boring and predictable existence can bring down even the strongest ones. You should take preventive measures to avoid emotional breakdowns and always keep in mind that there’s a thin line between happiness and depression.

Alergi pada Anak

Alergi pada Anak

Alergi merupakan kumpulan gejala akibat reaksi kekebalan tubuh (respons imun) yang berlebihan yng diakibatkan oleh beberapa penyebab (pencetus). Alergi muncul setiap kali anak terpapar alergen (pencetus alergi), sehinggan sistem imun tubuhnya mengeluarkan antibodi yang disebut IgE. Semakin banyak antibodi yang dibuat, semakin muncul alerginya. Lama kelamaan imunoglobulin E (IgE) akan semakin banyak sehingga setiap kali terpapar alergen yang sama, sel-sel tertentu akan melepaskan senyawa histamin yang menyebabkan munculnya gejala alergi. Pada bayi dan anak-anak, alergi yang kerap terjadi adalah pada saluran cerna, kulit, dan saluran pernapasan.

Meningitis pada Anak

Meningitis pada Anak
Meski bisa juga menyerang orang dewasa, namun anak-anak adalah yang paling rentan terkena penyakit ini. Meningitis dapat menjadi penyakit yang serius, tetapi banyak penderitanya yang sembuh total. Kita bisa mencegahnya.

Radang selaput otak
Otak dan sumsum tulang belakang sebagai sistem saraf pusat dikelilingi oleh cairan serebrospinal untuk melindunginya saat kita bergerak. Perlindungan lebih juga diberikan oleh meninges yang merupakan selaput yang menutupi otak dan sumsum tulang belakang.


Penyakit Meningitis yang Berujung Kematian

Meningitis adalah infeksi pada meninges (selaput pelindung) yang menyelimuti otak dan saraf tulang belakang. Selaput yang mengelilingi sistem saraf pusat ini bisa meradang dan membengkak akibat infeksi. Jika tidak diobati, penyakit meningitis akan menimbulkan komplikasi serius dan semakin lama akan semakin parah. UDoctorians, penyakit meningitis bisa menyerang siapa saja, tak terkecuali entertainer tanah air yang dikabarkan meninggal akibat menderita penyakit meningitis ini. Bagaimana bisa terjadi? Berikut kami bagikan informasinya untuk, Anda:

Insomnia dan Solusinya

Insomnia dan Solusinya
Insomnia diartikan sebagi keluhan berkurangnya tidur yang ditandai dengan satu atau lebih gejala kesulitan untuk tidur. Pasien yang mengalami insomnia perlu melakukan perawatan secara kemprehensif, salah satunya dengan pengobatan.
Insomnia biasanya disebabkan oleh faktor psikologis, namun faktor-faktor lain seperti terlalu sering begadang, stres karena pekerjaan, sebelum tidur terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi minuman yang mengandung kafein tinggi serta ganguan kesehatan yang lainnya juga bisa mengakibatkan insomnia.
Dampak insomnia tidak bisa dianggap remeh, karena bisa menimbulkan kondisi yang lebih serius dan membahayakan kesehatan dan keselamatan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh insomnia sangat fatal. Dari keletihan yang dapat menimbulkan risiko kecelakaan hingga berkurangnya produktivitas bekerja.
Tidak hanya itu, hubungan interpersonal penderita juga turut terganggu. Sulitnya mata terpejam juga memberikan dampak yang tidak baik bagi kesehatan fisik antara lain terjadi peningkatan nafsu makan yang dapat mengakibatkan obesitas, diabetes, penyakit jantung koroner, hipertensi, gangguan sistem imun dan penurunan gairah fungsi seksual. Insomnia juga terkait dengan gangguan psikologik seperti terjadinya depresi, penurunan daya ingat karena pada dasarnya tidak berguna untuk resusitasi otak dan daya ingat.
Secara keseluruhan, insomnia dihubungkan dengan buruknya kualitas hidup, meningkatnya penggunaan jasa kesehatan, yang berdampak pula pada terhadap pengurangan financial secara bermakna.
- See more at: http://udoctor.co.id/gaya-hidup-sehat/insomnia-dan-solusinya-read-321.html#sthash.pu18Yi0X.dpuf
Insomnia diartikan sebagi keluhan berkurangnya tidur yang ditandai dengan satu atau lebih gejala kesulitan untuk tidur. Pasien yang mengalami insomnia perlu melakukan perawatan secara kemprehensif, salah satunya dengan pengobatan.
Insomnia biasanya disebabkan oleh faktor psikologis, namun faktor-faktor lain seperti terlalu sering begadang, stres karena pekerjaan, sebelum tidur terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi minuman yang mengandung kafein tinggi serta ganguan kesehatan yang lainnya juga bisa mengakibatkan insomnia.
Dampak insomnia tidak bisa dianggap remeh, karena bisa menimbulkan kondisi yang lebih serius dan membahayakan kesehatan dan keselamatan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh insomnia sangat fatal. Dari keletihan yang dapat menimbulkan risiko kecelakaan hingga berkurangnya produktivitas bekerja.
Tidak hanya itu, hubungan interpersonal penderita juga turut terganggu. Sulitnya mata terpejam juga memberikan dampak yang tidak baik bagi kesehatan fisik antara lain terjadi peningkatan nafsu makan yang dapat mengakibatkan obesitas, diabetes, penyakit jantung koroner, hipertensi, gangguan sistem imun dan penurunan gairah fungsi seksual. Insomnia juga terkait dengan gangguan psikologik seperti terjadinya depresi, penurunan daya ingat karena pada dasarnya tidak berguna untuk resusitasi otak dan daya ingat.
Secara keseluruhan, insomnia dihubungkan dengan buruknya kualitas hidup, meningkatnya penggunaan jasa kesehatan, yang berdampak pula pada terhadap pengurangan financial secara bermakna.
- See more at: http://udoctor.co.id/gaya-hidup-sehat/insomnia-dan-solusinya-read-321.html#sthash.pu18Yi0X.dpuf

Insomnia diartikan sebagi keluhan berkurangnya tidur yang ditandai dengan satu atau lebih gejala kesulitan untuk tidur. Pasien yang mengalami insomnia perlu melakukan perawatan secara kemprehensif, salah satunya dengan pengobatan.

It’s the connection to your soul


Fantastic Reasons to Eat Rhubarb All Year Long

Rhubarb is going to be a new superfood in the nearest future. It’s a nutritional powerhouse that provides a great number of fantastic health benefits. In a warm climate, rhubarb can grow all year round, while in a colder climate it starts growing early in the spring. Many people grow rhubarb in large pots at home since the plant is easy to grow and it can grow for about 10-15 years. Some people grow rhubarb in heated greenhouses too. We usually use rhubarb in pies, smoothies, pastries, salads and soups, but it can also be eaten raw (many don’t know about it!) Rhubarb is a bit tart so it’s better to combine it with sweet berries or any other fruit. If you’d like to buy a sweet rhubarb, look for the reddest stalks – they are much tastier than green stalks, pale pink stalks and pale red stalks.

Ladies Need Good Guy Friends

Reasons Ladies Need Good Guy Friends

I’m the one who finds male friends an inevitable part of my life. When I was a teenager, I was surrounded mostly by female friends, because I believed that friendship between men and women was impossible and pointless. A bit later, I analyzed everything and realized that different stereotypes made my life limited and boring.

Frankly speaking, I was sick and tired of constant rivalry between me and my female friends. Unfortunately, I couldn’t share my feelings or indulge in confidences with them, because they would spread my secrets in a quite short period of time. My decision to let male friends into my circle of contacts changed my life for the better. It was like a breath of fresh air that helped me open up and changed my mindset for growth.

Girl Wants in Life

Things Every 20-Something Girl Wants in Life

It’s hard to read a girl’s mind and know what she really wants in life, but there are certain things every 20-something girl wants in life. When you are in your 20s, you need to adopt many important habits and get rid of old ones. You need to set your life goals and think of the ways to reach them. You need to learn how to take smart decisions and take responsibilities. In fact, there are many things every woman should do before she turns 30, but these 12 are just some of the most desirable things every 20-something girl wants in life.

Your First Love

Things You'll Always Remember about Your First Love

First love is pure and special. It fills the hearts of both women and men with inexplicable feelings. You can date as many guys as you want, but you will never forget your first love. I have met many old people who spoke about their first loves as if it happened a year ago. They remember the tiniest details like where they met for the first time, or what they were wearing. My mom once told me that people who don’t remember their first love have never loved anyone.
Whether your first love didn’t work out, or you’ve just fallen in love for the first time, here are the most important things you will always remember about your first love:

Ancient Ruins in Peru

Most Breathtaking Ancient Ruins in Peru
Peru is a beautiful country to explore. This fact is attested to by its booming tourism industry, which comes third only to fishing and mining. In fact, the tourism industry of Peru is growing at a faster rate than any of its South American neighbors. Tourists come to see the Peruvian Amazon, to experience the food and culture, to explore the cities, to spend time at beaches, and, of course, to see Peru’s many ancient ruins. Here are 7 of the top, must-see ancient ruins in Peru:

1. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu
Though Peru has much more to offer than Machu Picchu, this popular site is still a staple in Peruvian site-seeing, and for good reason. Located high on a mountain ridge, this 15th-century Inca city is beautiful and a lot of fun to explore. Just make sure to disturb the site as little as possible and to clean up after yourself when you go.

2. Saksaywaman

Saksaywaman is a complex that can be found just outside of the city of Cusco. Saksaywaman has intrigued tourists and archaeologists alike due to its massive stone walls, which are made of carefully cut boulders that fit together like puzzle pieces. There are many theories on how these stones were moved and cut, but nobody really knows for certain.

3. Ollantaytambo

A bit further from Cusco sits the ancient Inca site of Ollantaytambo. It was built in the mid-15th century by the Emperor Pachacuti, who then used the site as a royal estate. Today, it is popular among tourists and often used as a start point for the Inca Trail which leads up to Machu Picchu. Situated along the Patakancha River, Ollantaytambo has some of South America’s oldest continuously inhabited dwellings.

4. Moray

Moray is an extremely intriguing site because archaeologists believe that is was perhaps used by the Incas for agricultural experiments. The site consists of enormous, circular terraces built in such a way so as to create large variations in temperatures and other conditions from the top to the bottom. These terraces could have perhaps been used to study how different plants grew in different environments.

5. Chan Chan

Chan Chan
Unlike the other sites on this list, Chan Chan is not thought to have been built by the Incas. Instead, this large city, which was likely constructed around 850 AD, was built by a civilization known as the Moche. It is the largest adobe (mud brick) city in the entire world, and at one point it may have housed 30,000 people. Due to weather changes and earthquakes, Chan Chan is on UNESCO’s World Heritage in Danger list.

6. Choquequirao

Choquequirao is an Inca city which is quite similar in construction and location to the more famous Machu Picchu. It is located on a hilltop up in the mountains, though it was built almost 100 years after Machu Picchu was founded. About 40% of the buildings and terraces have so far been excavated.

7. Qurikancha

Qurikancha is a site that you can find right in the city of Cusco itself. This ancient temple of the Sun God was the most important of the entire Inca Empire. It not only housed many golden statues, but the very walls and floors of Qurikancha were covered in gold as well. Today, all that remains of the temple is the large stone foundation, as the Spanish colonists destroyed it and built the Church of Santo Domingo overtop. The remaining foundation was incorporated into the construction of the church.

 Source: http://womanitely.com/breathtaking-ancient-ruins-peru/