Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

40 Freaky Frog Photos (red-eyed-treefrog)

Frog Shakes Its Booty to Deter Other MalesCredit: M.S. Caldwell.Truly arboreal frogs, red-eyed treefrogs spend most of their time in trees, with their limbs made for walking and their "hands" and "feet" adapted for grasping branches.

40 Freaky Frog Photos (red-eyed treefrog)

Frog Shakes Its Booty to Deter Other MalesCredit: M.S. Caldwell.Truly arboreal frogs, red-eyed treefrogs spend most of their time in trees, with their limbs made for walking and their "hands" and "feet" adapted for grasping branches.