Rabu, 23 April 2014

Mindful Eating

gusti arya,

Guess what?  It’s video #5, Mindful Eating,  and I know you are going to like this one because it involves sensual eating.

Yes, eating is a SENSUAL experience when you stop and focus and bring your attention to your sense of taste.

Imagine that every time you eat you could be having a sensual experience; connecting to your body and turning on your senses.  OOH LA LA, Baby!

I love to close my eyes when I’m eating because it helps me focus on what’s in my mouth.  I slow down my chewing to allow myself to notice the different elements of the food.  Is it salty, sweet, or acidic?  Is it smooth and velvety or chewy?  What kinds of spices are in it; can I discern each one?

When you do this it’s a totally different experience than eating without consciousness.

Try this -  put together a plate of your favorite foods. Make this the only activity you are engaging in and set aside about an hour for it. I recommend a variety of tastes and textures.  What did you notice that you hadn’t before?  What emotions did each food evoke?  Pay a lot of attention to this as certain foods definitely make you feel sexy and turned on.

One more to go!  I’ll see you in a couple of days.



Sensual Scents and Aromas

Hi gusti arya,

You are more than half way through 6 Simple Strategies For a Sexy State of Mind.  What do think so far?  Have I ignited a spark in you?

I truly hope so for this is just the very beginning of your journey.  When you work with me we go deep and do some heavy excavation so that you can walk your walk with  CONFIDENCE, PASSION and JOY!

In this video #4, Sensual Scents and Aromas,  you will delve into your sense of smell and discover how important it is in regulating your mood. Did you know that they use aromatherapy in hospitals to treat stress and anxiety?  I’d say that’s proof  it works.

What’s you favorite scent or aroma?   My favorite essential oils are Lavender and Patchouli.  I love the floral notes in the Lavender and the earthy herbaceous ones in Patchouli.  I also love the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven.  Even  now, just thinking about it, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.  I remember loving the way the hallway leading up to my grandmother’s apartment would smell when she was cooking chicken soup.  Even today when I smell someone cooking chicken it brings me back to my childhood and that loving, nurturing feeling.

What aromas or scents create a warm, delicious, loving feeling in you?  Explore and experiment and have FUN discovering which scents and aromas spark your DESIRE!

Share them with me!  I’d love to know.   susan@susanleemiller.com



a note from Susan...

a note from Susan...

Dear gusti arya,

Last Sunday I had the lucky fortune to see "Kinky Boots"  on Broadway. What a fantastic show.  I sat in the first row mezzanine right in the center, perfect viewing.

The music was really charged and I could feel Cyndi Lauper in the theatre as the cast sang each of her songs.  I'm always awed by the talent of these musical theatre actors.

Along with the live music and  the wonderful singing of Billy Porter ( Tony award winner) there was an important message.  Accept other's for who they are and accept yourself.

Why is it so hard for us to accept people as they are without constantly wanting to change them?  When it comes to sexuality we use words like "freaky, kinky, alternative lifestyle...well you've got the picture.  Why do we need to judge?

Accepting yourself goes hand in hand with accepting others.

Isn't it time as women in our 50's that we embrace and accept the incredible healing, nurturing spirits we are and step into our feminine power.

That's what this week's blog is all about!

what's happening...

Wednesday, April 23rd at 12 Noon
Google + Hangout with Ande Lyons of Bring Back Desire
+ the Loving and Lasting Show.
Look for details on my FB page www.facebook.com/SusanMillerCoaching

Monthly Call on Monday May 12 at 12 Noon
7 Ways to Boost Your Desire + Empower Yourself in the Bedroom


feature article...

Image Courtesy of anankkml/freedigitalphotos.net

Stepping Into Your Feminine Power

I’m  52  ~  I’ll be 53 in a couple of months ~ and it might sound extremely cliché to say this, but at this time in my life I’m driven to share my passion and purpose with the world.
I say that I’m a healer, but please know that I’m fully aware that I’m a facilitator and that healing only takes place when the person(s) wishing to be healed are full participants in the process.  I’m referring to my archetype.
I’ve known since I was a little girl that this is who I am at my core and why I am here.  I couldn’t at that age put it into any context, but looking back it’s what defined my landscape.
I’m also very funny so I have to cop to the comedienne archetype, too. Laughter is profoundly healing.
What I see in my work over and over again is women disconnected from their power source/life force energy.  Why? When you are constantly told by society that you are not quite good enough you believe it and some, if not most, of your power is diminished.
It holds you back from stepping into your feminine power.
What exactly does that mean?
Stepping into your feminine power is embracing your feminine energy and using it to create what you desire.
First you have to delve deep and let yourself excavate what it is that you desire and be ok with going after it.  The key word is “YES!”
The energy that you push down can make you feel sick physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually.  It manifests as pain in your body, low sexual energy/desire, fatigue, low self esteem, auto immune illnesses, lack of confidence; I can go on and on.
As a women in her 50’s you are in a place where you have the opportunity to finally say, “it’s my time.”
Your children, if you have them, are embarking on their life journey.  With menopause comes a shift in your perspective, along with all the other shifts that occur (that’s for another blogpost.)
You hold within you deep WISDOM and POWER to heal yourself and the world.
Are you going to step into it with GRACE, or reject it with FEAR?
Ask yourself, “if not now, when?” 
What healing do you need to step into YOUR power?

I'd love to hear from you.  Go on over to my blog and leave your comments or questions! 