Senin, 30 Juni 2014

The Most Valuable Life Lessons From Disney Films

We’d all somehow influenced by Disney Films as we were growing up. Did you realize that there were life lessons behind some Disney movies? Here’re 23 inspirational quotes from Disney films that will teach you the most valuable life lessons.

The 7 Pillars Book

An Introduction to The 7 Pillars Book: Building and Nurturing Your Success

More and more people are using the Internet.
As they do, it becomes more and more important for each person to consider the online presence that he or she is developing. With every action taken online, there is an online presence developing whether an Internet user is aware of it or not. By reading and applying the information contained herein, you will have the knowledge you need to wisely develop your online presence intentionally.

Truly Beautiful Girl

14 Signs That You’re A Truly Beautiful Girl

Beauty is often judged by our looks. Are you skinny? Is your skin spot free and perfectly smooth? Is your hair luscious like the L’Oreal commercials? All these factors come into play when people define beauty, but that is not what beauty is about. Don’t believe all the media you read, it will mislead you and never lead you to happiness.
What defines beauty is your personality and your attitude. Someone could be perfectly beautiful, yet they are the most shallow and mean person you could ever meet.
Here are the true traits of why you’re a beautiful girl.

Change For A Better Life

yes manWe live in a world that is full of complainers – unfortunately. No matter how good someone’s life is, they can still find something wrong with it. But obviously not everyone is a complainer – thank goodness. But nonetheless, most of us do look at life and want to change some things here and there. Some things we can change. Others we can’t, and so we just need accept them. Here are 10 things you should accept and change:


What you think guys?