Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

10 Ways to Let Go of Past Relationships

10 Ways to Let Go of Past Relationships“I beg of you, don’t say goodbye; Can’t we give our love another try; Come on baby, let’s start anew; ‘Cause breaking up is hard to do” – Neil Sedaka
They say that breaking up is hard to do, but it gets easier when you know how. The trick is to let go of the past. This is easier said than done, but it is achievable. Follow the ten steps below to let go of past relationships, and move on to the next chapter of your life.

The Scientific Facts of Happiness

The Scientific Facts of Happiness You Never Knew

The Science of HappinessEveryone could use more happiness; we are never truly 100% happy with our lives. If you want to know the science of happiness and how to be more happy, this infographic does a great job of breaking it down for you. The hippocampus is the area of the brain that is responsible for happiness and memories, so you really should know how to feed and nurture it to help boost your mood in down times.
Can you guess what the top four happiest occupations are in the world? What about the two countries with the most optimistic people, or the two countries with the most satisfied people are? The answers, which can be found on the infographic, may surprise you.
As you probably already know, the country you live in has a lot to do with how happy you are. The happiest people in the world happen to live in Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Australia. So a move from one country to another could be all you need to really give yourself a happiness boost.
Other things that can help include getting more exercising, sleeping more (if you’re not sleeping enough) and helping out in your community. What methods do you use to increase your happiness and boost your mood?

Source:  http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/the-science-happiness.html

Bhutan, Peaceful Countries


Who invented ‘happiness’ as an indicator that you can live well? Probably the Bhutan government who coined the phrase GNH (gross national happiness) which was to highlight that material possessions such as a car full of petrol or cheap supermarkets cannot make people happy. Much better to concentrate on the health, well being and education of the people. What better place to do this than the tiny Bhutan Buddhist kingdom tucked away in the Himalayas between India and China. The country was a monarchy up till recently and faces challenges in increasing urbanization and establishing a truly democratic government.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Qatar, Peaceful Countries


One of the richest countries in the world where petrol may cost less than water. There are people waiting on you as you fill up with petrol, eat out and have your house cleaned. It is a great place to be spoiled. As Qatar prepares for the 2022 World Cup, (UN estimates 500 immigrants arrive daily!) there may be problems with disruption of services.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Portugal, Peaceful Countries


A golfer’s paradise!  Boasting some of the most spectacular courses in the world and fabulous coastal scenery, Portugal is really very beautiful and has a great climate to go with it.  The crime rate is low and the pace of life is relaxed. Eating out is satisfying and inexpensive.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Singapore, Peaceful Countries


Singapore is probably the most orderly city state in the world. Astonishing verdant city landscapes which are not just pretty and ornamental. Singapore is leading the way on green initiatives as regards energy, water conservation and the environment. Then you have great food, safe urban areas and the people are friendly and welcoming to foreigners.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Australia, Peaceful Countries


A great place to be young, healthy and in the fresh air because of such a pleasant climate. This may explain why life expectancy here is 82. The economy has benefited from mining and is resilient in spite of recession. Friendly people, amazing wildlife and spectacular scenery make Australia one of the most attractive countries on the planet.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Germany, Peaceful Countries


Another central European country where a fondness for the arts, history and music is not considered elitist. It is just a normal part of cultural life and tradition. High standards of living plus excellent organization in everyday life make Germany a great choice. Add in some great beer, trekkers’ paradise (with even trails for nudists), Christmas markets and beautiful fairy tale towns and you have a wonderful place to live.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Czech Republic, Peaceful Countries

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has a great musical tradition. Smetana, Dvorak and Janacek were all Czech citizens, just to name a few. It is also surprising to note that the last census revealed that 34% of the population consider themselves atheists. Marionette theater plus the traditional hearty food of soups and meat add to this country’s charm. The Czechs are very proud of their history, art, music and beer!

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Slovenia, Peaceful Countries


Slovenia scores highly as a great place to bring up kids and ranks higher than the UK, according to a UNICEF report. In addition to some wonderful trekking countryside, it has marvellous food and seems to have inherited the best from Italy and other neighbouring countries. You can feel very safe here as there are only 1,000 people in prison out of a total population of 2 million.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Ireland, Peaceful Countries


I was born and grew up in Ireland so please turn a blind eye to the bias in this entry!  Yes, the people are really friendly and they have a wicked sense of humour which is great fun. Having a conversation with an Irish person can turn into an event! The scenery at times is breathtaking and it has some of the best golf courses in the world. The only problem is the weather but you can’t have everything.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Norway, Peaceful Countries



Norway is a really safe country and has an incredibly low prison population. It also comes out on top as regards health and happiness. Freedom to roam in a stellar landscape is enshrined in the Norwegian law known as ‘allemannsrett’ which means you can camp or trek anywhere you like. Add in fabulous lakes and fiords which make it one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in the world.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Belgium, Peaceful Countries


If you love beer and chocolate and do not mind endless rainy days, then Belgium is another great location. There are wonderful old towns, castles and museums to visit. As regards transport, Paris and London are really near so you get the best of several worlds. You can be in Paris in 70 minutes taking the high speed train.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Sweden, Peaceful Countries


Another Scandinavian country in the top ten!  Sweden is fabulous for lots of snow and long winters so if you are into that, it is a great place to be. High standards of living plus generous parenting leave for mums and dads (15 months) plus a great welfare system justify its high place in the rankings.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Canada, Peaceful Countries



Did you know that the average household income in Canada is $28,000 annually? This is one of the highest in the world and certainly above OECD averages. In addition, there are excellent work opportunities where meritocracy is widely recognized. A peaceful country with a sound economy and beautiful landscapes make this a great place to live.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Finland, Peaceful Countries


If you do not mind the long, dark cold winters, Finland has plenty to offer.  There is practically no corruption and very little class distinction. It scores highly on gender equality as well.  It has practically the best education system in the world. Children are given plenty of recesses too in the fresh (cold!) air and there is a very low rate of ADHD.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Japan, Peaceful Countries


You need never worry about finding a clean restroom in Japan. They are spotless!  Combine that with great food, impeccably polite people and a transport system the envy of the world. Perhaps Japanese people work too hard but they have built a peaceful and technologically advanced nation in a relatively short time.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Switzerland, Peaceful Countries


The secret to Switzerland’s happy and healthy population is that the authorities have invested heavily in their people in providing them with excellent education, health services and employment benefits. They may be famous for their banking, cuckoo clocks and skiing resorts but they have wisely invested in their greatest asset.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Austria, Peaceful Countries


Austrian teenagers get to vote when they are only sixteen years old but they can only drink alcoholic beverages when they are eighteen. Austria boasts a wonderfully clean environment where everything is spotless, great transport system and very low crime rates. It is also cheaper than many people believe. You can buy a bottle of drinkable wine for $4.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

New Zealand, Peaceful Countries

New Zealand

New Zealand
One of the most unpolluted countries in the world where spectacular scenery abounds. 90% of  immigrants state that they would certainly recommend the land of the Kiwis to their families and friends. New Zealanders get generous leave benefits so they have plenty of time to enjoy the landscape and sports facilities.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Denmark, Peaceful Countries



The Danes are said to be the happiest people in the world!  Figures for worker motivation are very high and there is a welfare system in place which is the envy of most of the world. Taxation is high but the money is well spent on making the Danish lifestyle really relaxed and well organized.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Iceland, Peaceful Countries



Apart from dramatic scenery, Iceland has a 100% literacy rate in the 300,000 population  Living among an educated population which is tolerant towards minorities is a great bonus. The best thing of all is that murders (1.8 per 100,000 population a year) are practically non existent. Compare that with the US where you have a rate of 5.8 per 100,000.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-most-peaceful-countries-the-world-live.html

Move from Facebook to Google+

Why you must move from Facebook to Google+

Right now is an extremely interesting time as there is a massive swing from Facebook to Google+ happening. This post will examine some trends and aspects of the migration that will fascinate you. I am not going to show you a whole lot of user number graphs. These are my personal experiences and I have documented them in various ways for you. Some of the content in this blog post is live and you can interact with it.

google and facebook
I am updating this post after around 3 and a half months and everything I predicted is coming true. I am getting around half a million views on Google+ a week and many of my friends are getting far more. Am up to 35 million now and over half have come in the past few months.
Google is now allowing you to create a Google+ post and promoted it as an adsense advertisement. People on any website using adsense can +1 it and interact on it. They will be shown in Gmail. Think of the possibilities.

Organization tools
Google+ is light years ahead of Facebook for tools and analytics. Try learning all about your account and anybody elses` with Circle Count. Circle people, message circles and create events that are actually seen by the people you invite to them. Ripples will show you who your key engagers and sharers are. Communities where you can divide posts into categories.make your circles with Circloscope. Analyse your account with Steady Demand (use the code michaelqtodd when you join to get a discount).
Here is an example of a Ripple from a circle share a friend did yesterday. See how at the bottom you can actually “play” the ripple of shares.
Reaction to posts
I have 5,000 highly engaged Facebook friends and a fairly popular profile. My analytics tell me that I get around 1500 Facebook comments and 3000 “like” clicks a week. I have run 2 tests with almost identical pieces of content at the same time on Google+ and facebook in the past week. In both cases the Google+ post got over 10 times the +1`s (as compared to likes), comments and shares. Yes over 10 times. If we are not prepared to pay to promote our content Facebook is hiding it. This is particularly the case if you post a link or even if anyone posts a link in the comment thread. If you try to show a You Tube video you can completely forget about it getting seen.

The default search option for Google is social. I just reached the number 2 and 3 spot on the front page for a search for the word Wenyard (new online stockmarket game) with Google+ posts. The third place one is a share by Bernard Piette of my Christmas You Tube video. The second place one I simply added the URL to my blog post about Wenyard to a Google+ post. If you add a URL into your post, any +1s you get will be credited to that link. I am averaging around 7–8,000 +1s for my site each week. Enough said. because Google will now show your posts about certain keywords to people who circle you you need to have as many people circling you as possible. You also need to have people with many circling them sharing your posts.

My Wenyard post

How well have you got to know Facebook friends. Google takes it to a new level with hangouts. Talking face to face with friends and sometimes new people is fun. The range of tools available in hangouts is incredible. You can filter the audience to anything you want. One person or a whole circle or community. Then there are Hangouts on Air where you broadcast live to an unlimited audience. Did you see what we did with the Christmas Giveaway Hangout last week? We only had the idea for this 3 and a half days before. We reached thousands. After wards you can automatically archive the Hangout on Air in your YouTube account.
India and China
I am getting a huge number of Indians and Chinese circling me and engaging on my posts. Think of the future. Will your brand want a presence in China? Facebook is banned in China. India has easily the second highest number of Google+ users behind the USA.
Circle sharing
Please understand and embrace the power of this. The weekly Megaball circle share that I started a month ago has now been shared around 3,500 times. It is not so hard to make these and get them shared. Some of the people included in the MegaBall have reported increases in their Google+ follower counts upwards of 4,000 people in those 5 weeks.

These are the 4 most popular circle shares of all time. Assessed by unique public shares.


This is a live embedded post. Please +1 and share! Please set it to Public so Circle Count will recognise it.
Blog comments
This week, I added the Evolve plugin to this blog and discovered maybe 10,000 conversation threads about my posts on Google+ that I did not even know existed. Every time somebody shares a post to Google+, the conversation happens right on my site. Facebook wanted the conversation happening in their place, but Google does not mind. I am now using Google+ as my default comment option and it is working great.
Facebook is still a great place to be I am not advocating leaving it altogether. What will be the main place to get bang for your time online buck in say two years time though? Surely Google+ is a no-brainer to switch your primary allegiance to right now. It seems to me that every day it is growing stronger and stronger.
Have your say either in the comments below (both Facebook and Google+ are available) or on this interactive list

Why people are moving from Facebook to Google+

Headline image for Why people are moving from Facebook to Google+

Some reasons that the migration is gaining steam

Source: http://www.michaelqtodd.com/move-facebook-googleplus

Fitness Rules

10 (Lame) Fitness Rules You Need to Quit Being Seduced By

10 (lame) fitness rules you need to quit being seduced bySeduction is oftentimes associated with sexy activities, or at least something in that realm.
Until now.  People are seduced in their everyday lives. Seduction is being lured, enticed, or bribed into something.
The fitness industry is great at seducing people (me included). I’ve been seduced more times than I care to admit in the past with various rules I thought I had to follow if I wanted to achieve any progress.
These rules are so tempting at times, because we see so many people do them. Fitness doesn’t need to be black and white. There’s more than one way to master the skill of fitness and achieve lifelong healthy habits.
Following a set of rules that cramp your style, make you feel bad about yourself, and causes you unhappiness isn’t what you should call an awesome quality of life. Allow me to share with you 10 of the lamest fitness rules you need to quit following immediately.

15 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone At All

15 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone At All (Though You Think You Do)

happy people_Many choices we make in life—ranging from what we do, to how we conduct ourselves, and who we interact with—are subject to prying questions and commentary from those around us. Family members, friends, and even total strangers, it often seems like everyone has an opinion on the things we do, no matter how small or insignificant those things might seem to us.
Sometimes people go so far as to ask you to explain yourself for the decisions or choices you make in your own life. You might feel obliged to respond, but some things are really no one else’s business and you don’t owe anyone an explanation at all for the following 15 things—though you think you do.

Body Painting

The Scary Venom Body Painting 


Source: http://remarkablyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-scary-venom-body-painting.html 

Hatchet Fish

Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures: Hatchet Fish

Outrageous Ocean Creature # 1: The Hatchet Fish


Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures: Blobfish


Fangtooth Fish

Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures: Fangtooth Fish

Fangtooth Fish

Sea Cucumber

Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures: Sea Cucumber

Sea Cucumber

The Goblin Shark

Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures: The Goblin Shark

The Goblin Shark

Flamingo Tongue Snail

Most Outrageous Ocean Creatures:Flamingo Tongue Snail

Flamingo Tongue Snail

The Angler Fish with its glowing fleshy mass

The Angler Fish is considered to be the most unique and fascinating sea creatures because it has a glowing fleshy mass that attracts possible prey.

Source: http://remarkablyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2014/05/most-outrageous-ocean-creatures-angler.html

The Angler Fish

The Angler fish has a unique mating habits. Scientist discovered that all Angler fish were female but then, it has a parasite-like growth in their lower parts.

Source: http://remarkablyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2014/05/most-outrageous-ocean-creatures-angler.html

The Angler Fish

Scientists discovered that this parasite-like growth in Angler fish is the male Angler fish. It is said that the main role of male angler fish is to look for a female angler fish and bite them. In due time that the female is ready to impregnate, the male provides sperm on the spot.

Source: http://remarkablyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2014/05/most-outrageous-ocean-creatures-angler.html

How Addicted Are You To Your Cell Phone?

The cell phone, in all its forms, is ubiquitous. There is no arguing that. But what if you can’t put your phone down? What if your phone has become an extension of your hand, in which nothing you do can go undocumented by your phone? The constant looming light of your cell phone screen following you around, lighting up your face like a glow stick as you attend concerts, go hiking or have dinner with friends. Technology is great and has been a progressive and inspiring force around the world. But when is it too much, and how do you know if you have a problem? Addiction is real and here are 10 clear signs that you need to put down the phone, step away and go get some fresh air.

Amazing Uses For Your Tablet

tabletSo you got a sweet tablet, but now what’re you going to do with it? Sure it’s great for checking e-mail or checking in on social media like Facebook or Twitter, but did you really shell out all these bucks just for that? Or did someone get it for you as a great gift and now you’re just not sure what to do with the thing? Never fear—LifeHack is here with tips on some rather amazing things you can do with your tablet. In fact, you may start to wonder how you ever got along without it.

How To Erase Your Phone Securely

erase smartphone dataWhether you’re planning on selling your smartphone, or simply upgrading, it’s always a good idea to secure the data on your phone from being extracted. These simple steps should be mandatory when getting rid of your smartphone, but you should also take care of them on a regular basis–especially backing up your data. We are very reliant on our smartphones these days. You’d be surprised at the amount of information you could lose if you don’t follow these steps.
Read on for some helpful tips on how to secure the data before you erase your phone.

Have you been unaware of this for the past 8 years?

Bob Proctor asks: Have you been unaware of this for the past 8 years?

Gusti Arya Yunedi, 8 years ago when The Secret was first released, 
we saw millions of people around the world hastily applying the 
LAW of ATTRACTION in their everyday life... 

Law Of Attraction

Are These ‘Law Of Attraction’ Gaps Holding You Back From Wealth And Abundance You Truly Deserve?

On 10th June, Tuesday at 8pm PST,Bob Proctor is going to address the ‘Law Of Attraction’ Gaps you choose on this page and help solve this HUGE contradiction- why doesn’t Attraction work in ALL areas of our life?

  • Eliminating Negative Thought Patterns
  • Accelerating Your Own Career And Personal Advancement
  • Achieve Your Life's Big Goals
  • Be Positive Even When Things Get Really Hard
  • Take Advantage of Huge Financial Opportunities
  • Attract Wealth Especially When You Really Need it
  • Eliminate Stress And Burnout While Working Towards Your Goals
  • Let Go And Eliminate The Demons Of Your Past
  • Balance Between Relationships, Wealth & Career
  • Be In A Joyful And Ecstatic State At All Times
  • Conquer The Fear Of Failure
  • Amplify The Speed Of Your Success
