Jumat, 02 Mei 2014


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A typical apple



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prunus avium, sweet cherry,
also called wild cherry
"Wild cherry" redirects here. For the species called "wild cherry" in the British Isles, see Prunus avium. For other uses, see Wild Cherry.
"Cherry tree" redirects here. For story about George Washington's honesty, see Parson Weems#The cherry-tree anecdote.
The cherry is the juicy fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species such as cultivars of the sweet cherry, Prunus avium. The name 'cherry' also refers to the cherry tree, and is sometimes applied to almonds and visually similar flowering trees in the genus Prunus, as in "ornamental cherry", "cherry blossom", etc. Wild Cherry may refer to any of the cherry species growing outside of cultivation, although Prunus avium is often referred to specifically by the name "wild cherry" in the British Isles.

Foods You Should Be Eating

10 Brain Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating

“Food for thought” usually refers to ideas or interesting tidbits of information that your mind can metaphorically “feed” on. However, this phrase has literal value as well. There are certain foods that boost your brainpower and enhance cognitive function. Here are 10 brain-boosting foods you should be eating:

A maturing 'Polaris' blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum)

1. Blueberries

Referred to as “brainberries” by Dr. Steven Pratt, author of Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life, blueberries are perhaps one of the most beneficial brain foods. Rich in antioxidants, they protect your brain from damaging oxidative stress caused by accumulated free radicals in the body. In the industrial world that we live in, the amounts of these harmful species are increasing in our bodies to levels that actually harm cells and neurons, damage which is prevented by antioxidants. Blueberries enhance memory and improve learning abilities. Studies suggest they may even reduce age-related decline and prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. A cup a day in any form will do the trick.

Healthy Habits

The Habits of the Highly Healthy

The healthiest, longest-living people all share many common practices, routines, and habits. It has been said, “Repetition is the mother of skill.” Well let me add that “repetition” is also the mother of health. By consistently engaging in certain habits, you can enjoy a healthier and longer life.
It’s not in your genes. In fact, studies have shown that only about 20% of all people have a true genetic predisposition that places certain limitations on their health and longevity. Could it be that the studies showing hereditary (gene) correlations between parent and child (genes) is more a matter of the parent and child sharing the same conditioning or the same unhealthy habits? If so, then that means that for most people, it’s more of what they do (their habits) than their genes (hereditary traits).
Perhaps, it’s time you throw out your limitations.

No One Ever Told You

Health Issues No One Ever Told You About Eating After 8pm

Yes, there are health issues you can acquire if you develop the habit of eating after 8 pm.
Here they are:

1. Nighttime heartburn

The fact is, eating late nights maintains the busyness of your stomach. It continues to manufacture gastric acids in excessive proportions. Shortly after taking food, there’s a big chance the acids are forced into the lower esophageal sphincter. This will irritate the latter and will surely result in heartburn.

Personality Employers

6 Personality Traits Employers Look For When Hiring


Experience, relevant schooling, and corresponding skills are extremely important when applying for a specific job. However, multiple studies have shown these days employers are searching for more than just a long a resume. It’s not only about what an employee can do, but also about how he does it, and how he carries himself while doing it.
Stockholm based Universum,  conducted a worldwide survey to find out which traits employers are seeking. Additionally, a study conducted at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) International Business School further linked some of these personality traits to favorable job performance. The following points are six personality traits employers “in the know” look for when hiring:

You Need To Know About True Love

10 Vital Things You Need To Know About True Love

You long for true love.  You have dreamed about finding it forever.
But every time you think you have grasped it, it slips through your fingers. Or it breaks them, along with your heart.
You ask, as we all do, “What am I doing wrong?”
Let me share 10 vital, love-changing secrets that will lead you to over the moon, incredible, never ending romance.  I know because I have found it…and it’s my second time around.
Warning:  If you treat someone like this, they will never leave you, so be sure this person is the one you want.
One more very crucial thing: the key here is to merge the words “true love” with “courage“.
TRUE love is not for the fainthearted. It is to be approached as if you were embarking on the greatest adventure of your life.

Why Dating a Successful Woman

Why Dating a Successful Woman is Important to Your Success

Many men are intimidated by strong, successful women because males still think they need to be the head of the household. A lot of men feel a sense of competition with women who are in the workforce, even if they’re in different fields, working in different offices, doing different job duties. This can cause a rift in relationships, because relationships should be nurturing, and both partners should encourage each other in all aspects of life. So guys, instead of being intimidated by successful women, check out these reasons why dating a successful woman is important to your success.

You Have To Learn In Your 20s

You Have To Learn not In Your 20s

34 Most Difficult Things You Have To Learn In Your 20s 

When you’re a 20 something, you know you need to be mature because you’ve grown up. You’re seen as an adult, not a kid any more. It’s reality, and you really should face it. The faster you learn the most difficult life lessons, the sooner you can lead a great and successful life. Rich Tatum shared the most difficult things he wished he knew when he was 20 on quora:

Staying Inspired and Productive

12 Tips on Staying Inspired and Productive

When you have a daily routine that you’ve been following for days, weeks or months, it’s easy to get bored and unmotivated; you may even feel like you’re in a rut. From there you’re likely to become unhappy and may even go into a deep depression, which will make it hard to stay focused or inspired. What do you do then?
There are many people who are unhappy with their jobs or just tired of doing the same thing everyday. Sadly, this can be a real downer and start to affect ones health, happiness and productivity. If this applies to you, you’re probably looking for ways to get your productivity back on track and hoping to get inspired again.
Below you’ll find 12 great tips on staying inspired so that you’re less likely to fall into a rut or become unproductive. There are three tips for staying healthy, three tips for planning your day, three tips for exercising your mind, and three tips to help you focus on what makes you happy.
What are your favorite methods for staying inspired when on-the-job repetition gets you down? Do you try to change up your daily routine, opt for a change of scenery, listen to motivational music or something else?

12 Tips on Staying Inspired | 24Slides
Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/12-tips-staying-inspired-and-productive.html

20 Reasons You Will Never Be Productive

Chances are you’ve found yourself behind on your deadlines, procrastinating in your work, or just failing to get much accomplished during your day. If you’re anything like me, the desire to be productive is not just a good idea, it’s an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, unless you’re taking deliberate steps to increase your output, you may be sabotaging your own ability to accomplish your goals. Here are twenty reasons why you may be spinning your wheels in the productivity department.

1. You fail to develop productive habits