Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Dunes at Dawn

Dunes at Dawn, Destin, Florida

I Got A Feeling In My Body

Sunset over Driftwood

Sunset over Driftwood, Nehalem Bay State Park, Oregon

Ruby Beach

Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington

I Always Love You


Asli atau Palsu ?

Ular makan Buaya

My Cheating Boyfriend

Im not a cold blooded human being so i might take wrong chances.

Source: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102265004746728535235/posts

Let It Flow

Crystal Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangel

I don believe that these pyramids does that, these are just old fashioned pyramids but maybe there is an ancient scepter drowned long time ago that does that. It is more realistic if you go inside and find something that proves. Hell im going with you.

Source: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102265004746728535235/posts

You Need to Do on Your Own

16 Things You Need to Do on Your Own Before Doing with Someone Else

Since times unknown, being alone has been equated to loneliness. This is one of the biggest myths and deep-rooted beliefs that make very little sense. Some people feel terribly lonely surrounded by hundreds of people, but experience the highest level of freedom in isolation.

Not Good At Creativity

Not Good At Creativity? You Will Be After Reading This.

Do you ever look at the work of your friends and colleagues and wish you were as creative as they are?  How about when you’re in the middle of a project and you run out of ideas?  You rack your brain trying to force the next great epiphany but nothing comes.

7 Best Slimming Ingredients for Your Summer Drinks

7 Best Slimming Ingredients for Your Summer Drinks

Best Slimming Ingredients for Your Summer Drinksf you are trying to drop a few pounds for summer, you might want to know some great slimming ingredients you can add to your summer drink. I think sipping on cool and sweet drinks on hot summer days is an easy way to lose weight. We know that most hot winter drinks are high in calories, however, cold summer drinks can also contain plenty of empty calories. Cocktails, smoothies and juices are usually packed with sugar and they can cause weight gain. This summer, replace all those sugary ingredients for slimming ingredients for your drinks. Your lean waistline will thank you!