Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

21 Words That Can Change Your Life and 3 That Will Surprise You

Motivation: 21 Words That Can Change Your Life and 3 That Will Surprise You

Motivation is life changing.  Your life is changing every day.  It is either changing for the better or it is slowly changing for the worse.  Motivation is derived from the verb “motivate,” which means “move.”  Motivation is the burning desire that compels you to take action.  It is a so deeply intertwined with what you believe to be true and right in life that it moves you from a simple desire to a moment of decision.  Have you ever watched a working dog?  There only motivation is  you.
What is your motivation?
In 2006 I wrote, “Change happens in an instant.  It happens the moment you decide to change.”
You are going to be different tomorrow.  Stop feeling stuck.  When you decide to be different you will find motivation seeping into to thoughts and into your actions.  Motivation causes you to take action, it becomes an inner drive  fueling you forward.
We all believe something.  When was the last time you asked yourself, “What do I believe?”  What role does faith play in my life?  Why was I placed on this earth?  What is my purpose in life?”
Remembering that motivation is a verb meaning to “move” or take “action”.  Family, friends, co-workers and the people all around us are key motivators for how we act.  Surround yourself with great people and you will surround yourself with great motivation.

If You Want to Change the World

If I told you making your bed every morning was a good way to change the world, would you believe me?
Early summer always seems to produce an influx of inspirational content on the Internet. There are commencement speeches being given at universities all over the world, and the Internet always seems to find the best ones. This one in particular has garnered a lot of attention and for good reason:

Saying To Make You More Likeable

large_5238204786We communicate in verbal and non-verbal ways, and how we go about this can improve our sociability quotient and make us more likeable. Non-verbal ways include making eye contact, smiling and appearing approachable. When it comes to verbal communication, the following words or statements can have a big impact on how well you come across to others. Try to include these in your conversations and you’ll be making everybody’s party list.

Habits You Need To Be A Better Person

A picture of woman smiling because she has become a better personMost of us only think about becoming better people as we prepare our New Year resolutions. But the transition from being average to excellent can begin at any time of year.
Here are 20 habits you need to dump if you really are going to reach your goal of becoming a better person.

Things You Need When You Wake Up

Most of us have similar driving forces – deep desires that possess us to get up and live each day. These forces are the drive to be happy, successful, and loved. The more we satisfy these needs, the more fulfilling and joyful our daily lives will be.
Some of us also want to contribute, connect, and make an impact. These needs propel people to live out their life purpose, which gives them the opportunity to experience a truly exceptional life.
To be proficient at accomplishing these aspirations you need to have the right mindset. A way of thinking that promotes happiness, success, love, connectedness, contribution, and a lasting impression. Here are 18 things to tell yourself each day to influence your actions, so you can realize your ambitions and create the reality of your dreams.

Regrets of People Who Are Dying

Top 7 Regrets of People Who Are DyingA lot of people who pass away do so with many regrets.  Things they wish they did and those they wish they didn’t do. It’s really sad to spend so much of your life doing one thing or the other and have it end with so much pain and sorrow. We all have one shot at life and we ought to make the best of it. We should live our lives so that when we pass, regret won’t plague us on our last days.
Here’re the top regrets of people who are dying and how we can use them to live a more fulfilling life.