Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

17 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share

17 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share

Needle in a haystackI get a particular thrill from finding little-known restaurants that serve amazing food. My greatest hits list includes elk tacos at a highway diner, cinnamon rolls at a downtown hole-in-the-wall, and – perhaps my greatest discovery of all – barbecue from a trailer in a parking lot. (Seriously, it’s good barbecue!)
The discovery process for great content has a similar thrill. How great does it feel to share a bit of awesomeness that few others have found?
People love a good content share. And in order to give the people what they want, sometimes you’ve got to dig a little deeper. Here are 17 unexpected places to look:

Freelancing Mistakes

53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility

I don’t know about you, but when I started freelancing as a writer, I made a ton of mistakes.
And by “a ton,” I mean everything I did was pretty much a disaster.
Thankfully, you can fix mistakes. And contrary to popular belief, making mistakes is a good thing — provided you learn from them.
But if you’re thinking, “Great! As long as I learn from my mistakes, it’s all good,” I have to tell you something … and you won’t like it.
You may not even know you’re making a mistake.
And that part can hurt your freelance business.

Freelancing Mistakes

53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility

I don’t know about you, but when I started freelancing as a writer, I made a ton of mistakes.
And by “a ton,” I mean everything I did was pretty much a disaster.
Thankfully, you can fix mistakes. And contrary to popular belief, making mistakes is a good thing — provided you learn from them.
But if you’re thinking, “Great! As long as I learn from my mistakes, it’s all good,” I have to tell you something … and you won’t like it.
You may not even know you’re making a mistake.
And that part can hurt your freelance business.

Freelancing Mistakes

53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility

I don’t know about you, but when I started freelancing as a writer, I made a ton of mistakes.
And by “a ton,” I mean everything I did was pretty much a disaster.
Thankfully, you can fix mistakes. And contrary to popular belief, making mistakes is a good thing — provided you learn from them.
But if you’re thinking, “Great! As long as I learn from my mistakes, it’s all good,” I have to tell you something … and you won’t like it.
You may not even know you’re making a mistake.
And that part can hurt your freelance business.

How I Wrote Three Books in Three Years

How I Wrote Three Books in Three Years

image of a row of books with human-like bookendWriting a book can be a long, hard slog.
The “miserable” parts of the experience have been documented over and over again. Or just ask any author on a book deadline — or let the thousand-yard stare speak for itself.
Not all of us can have an entire corporation behind them churning out novels, taking the stress off, after all.
And though authors are unquestionably helpful to each other, they don’t always give the best advice. Think how many times you’ve heard this old trope: Just put your butt in the chair and write. It’s true, but that doesn’t help you right now, does it?

Delicious Amla

Delicious Amla

Amla - Indian GooseberryAmla, or Indian gooseberry, technically called phyllanthus emblica, is the most powerful rejuvenating agent ever known. It has been in use for thousands of years in lots of medi cines. It is found growing on bushes all over India. Dried and fresh fruits and all the other parts of the plant are used in various ayurvedic and unani medicines.
This deciduous tree belonging to the Phyllanthaceae family, reaches eight to 18 m in height with a crooked trunk and spread branches. The branchlets are glabrous or finely pubescent, 10-20 cm long; the leaves are simple, subsessile and closely set along, resembling pinnate leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard in appearance, with six vertical stripes or furrows. It can tolerate temperatures as high as 46oC and freezing temperatures too.

Health Benefits of Beetroot

Health Benefits of Beetroot

Health Benefits of BeetrootBeetroots, often called as beets are root vegetables from the Chenopodiaceae family. Their scientific name is Beta vulgaris. Beetroots have been in use for more than thousand years now. They were first used in Babylon, from where they were spread to different parts of the world.
Although the root parts of the beets are most widely consumed, the delicious greens can also be eaten. It is an interesting fact that the beets were first cultivated only for their greens. The beetroots are deep red in colour, and are an excellent source of a wide variety of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Beets contain Niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B1, thiamine, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitami9n A, vitamin C and phosphorous. They are also a good source of dietary fiber. Because of their nutritional content, they impart numerous health benefits to their consumers. 

Benefits of Tender Coconut Water

Benefits of Tender Coconut Water

Tender CoconutSummer is in full swing, due to rising temperature and scorching heat it is very important to keep your body hydrated. If proper care is not taken, then due to high sweating, the most common reason of falling sick is getting dehydrated. Therefore, make sure you have enough liquids, either in the form of fruits or in the form of juices. It is said the purest form of liquids is the best form of liquids as they are in its natural form and consist only health benefits and no side effects.
Unfortunately, when we talk about keeping your body hydrated people are moving towards unhealthy fizzy drinks such as cola and soda, which are not only high in sugar, but also high in acid content. Due to high advertising and marketing it has become a trend to fall back on such drink. However, people forget what they were taught about natural things in their school.

Positive Energy

43 Amazing Life Tips

43 Amazing Life Tips That Will Drastically Improve Your Life

Want to improve your life?  

Just follow these 43 awesome tips.

This Video Make You Speechless

This Is A Video Everyone NEEDS To See. It Will Make You Speechless

“This media we call social is anything but, when we open our computers and it’s our doors we shut.”

Look Up is made for the “connected” generation. Written, performed and directed by Gary Turk, this video holds an amazing life lesson.  Kids today are growing up in a world where they would rather play on their smartphone than communicate with real human beings.  Want to change it?  Please share this video with everyone you know.


mind blown

The Nutritional Value of Carrots

The Nutritional Value of Carrots

CarrotsThe value of carrots – carrots supply many needed vitamins that our bodies need to work well. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and minerals such as lutein and potassium.

Benefits of Sweet Potato

Benefits of Sweet Potato

picture of two sweet potatoes

Sweet potato facts

Did you know that sweet potatoes contain 0 (that’s zero) saturated fats or cholesterol? They are a rich source of dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Studies find them to be helpful in fighting cancer and heart disease. This healthy choice can be prepared in many ways I prefer baking them, my husband, Chez Gordy, adds them to a waffle recipe. Check this site often as I do plan to add more recipes using this item.

Benefits of Lemons

Benefits of Lemons

picture for benefits of lemonsAre you mindful of the benefits of lemons? Hopefully this will help you use them in more ways.
The lemon is a small evergreen tree native to Asia, and the tree’s ellipsoidal yellow fruit. The fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, though … Wikipedia
It is the citric acid in lemons that give it its sour taste. It is often the key ingredient used in food and drink.

Benefits of omega-3

The Benefits of Omega-3

image for benefits of omega-3Phosphorus
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Two of the minerals that are found in omega-3, are phosphorus and selenium. Let’s talk a little bit about phosphorus; this mineral is responsible for creating some of the energy that we use every day. Second of all, it helps our bodies in synthesizing proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
I sure hope this is helpful to you I worked hard at finding this information for my site, to go along with my baked salmon with Mediterranean spinach recipe.


Let’s Talk About Gluten

    talk about gluten
  1. What is Gluten?
  2. Where does it come from and what does it do for us?
  3. Will somebody please tell me why do we need it?
Have you asked yourself any of these questions lately? Well if you haven’t, I bet you have heard somebody somewhere mention the word ‘gluten’ in a conversation.
I decided to do a little research and bring some insight to this topic. To start with, gluten is a Latin word meaning “glue.”

A great masterpiece! Heavenly!

A great masterpiece! Heavenly!

Wings to Paradise 2

10 Successful Professionals Share

10 Successful Professionals Share What They Wish They Knew in College

college 3You hear about successful individuals and wonder about the journey they had to get there.

Perhaps you imagine them parading confidently down their college halls, studying their perfectly chosen college major. They must have been one of the smart studious kids that had it all together, knew it all.
And they ended up happily ever after as the wizard of their chosen profession.

Stop Doing These 10 Things

When Life is Not Going Your Way, Stop Doing These 10 Things

large_5093910979There are an endless number of reasons that things might not be going your way. But not all of them are external. You can benefit from taking control of your life and changing what you believe needs to be changed. Here is a list of 10 things to stop doing in order to lead your life in the direction you want.

Life Changing Quotes

25 Life Changing Quotes to Change Your Life for the Better

We always need something to motivate us, to push us a little further. Special quotes and speeches help us realize the true way in which we can live life. In this post, rather than quoting things about life, we have a collection of 25 quotes that will motivate you until eternity, but only if you remember them, of course! At the end of the post we will show you how to remember them so that in tough times you can revisit them and push yourself a little further. Read these, remember these, let the passion inside of you come out and finally accomplish your goals.

Super Boost Your Productivity

14 Awesome Hacks Shared By A Startup CEO That Will Super Boost Your Productivity

9 Awesome Hacks Shared By A CEO That Will Super Boost Your ProductivityWant to super boost your productivity? Read on to find out what Matt DeCelles, the co-founder/partner of William Painter, has shared his favorite productivity hacks and tools in Quora.

First off, it’s a 2 step process – prioritization stage and execution stage.

7 Day Plan To Stay Productive

A Simple 7 Day Plan To Help You Stay Productive!

Okay guys, it’s time to up your productivity game. This infographic from Hi Task is sure to get you moving in the right direction and at a quick pace towards your goals.
Infographic: 7 Day Plan to Stay Productive!


Productive Time Management

10 Things You Haven’t Tried For Productive Time Management

“Lost time is never found again.” Benjamin Franklin

Clock FeatureTime is one of our most precious tools in life. It is so important that time is being compared with life; wasting time, is equal to wasting life.
People who accomplish a lot in life are often people who manage their time and tasks effectively and intelligently. Without time management and scheduling, we tend to waste a lot of time on unproductive tasks and projects and we realize this when it is too late.

It Always Seemed Impossible At First

It Always Seemed Impossible At First But These Will Build You A Wide And Professional Network
Most people think that a professional network is only needed when job-hunting. Maintaining a professional network throughout your career is a necessary and important task that need not be difficult. A strong, professional network builds confidence and could prove to be a valuable safety net should you get laid off or fired. A recent article in Forbes Magazine reported that most of us search for jobs every eight years. That is a big incentive to growing a professional network.
Learn how to manage and boost your professional network with the following tips.

Top 20 Leadership And Management Experts

Top 20 Leadership And Management Experts You Should Start Following

Top 20 Leadership And Management Experts You Should Start Following
Want to be a better leader? Find and follow the people who are recognized leadership experts and management authorities to learn strategies, tips, advice, and visionary ideas for bringing the best principles to work in your life and career.

Anger Management

10 Anger Management Lessons No One Should Miss

Anger Lifehack VersabilitySometimes we all get a little grumpy. Whether it’s school, work, friends, family, or ourselves, there’s reason to just lose it every so often. We just have to blow our tops, I suppose. I’ve been told plenty of times to seek therapy or deal with my anger problems, so I gathered some experts to weigh in and judge my practical tips to eradicate anger. Here are some Anger Management tips we devised in the process.

Get Motivated In 60 Seconds

The Motivation Minute : Get Motivated and Feel Better In 60 Seconds

Are you sometimes weighed down by difficulties in life or work? Does lack of skills, resources, or cooperation from others discourage you and leaves you demotivated?  You are not alone. Many of us go through this phase at some point. There’s a lot of help available in form of friends, family and even books that can help you overcome tough situations. Watch this video from Buzzfeed to recharge your batteries. It’ll leave you feeling energized and ready to take on challenges that come your way.

Air popped popcorn

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

10. Air popped popcorn

Trail mix

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

9. Trail mix

Bacon-cantaloupe bites

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

8. Bacon-cantaloupe bites


10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

7. Popsicles

Cheese sticks

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

6. Cheese sticks

Green smoothie

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

5. Green smoothie

Veggies with a light dip

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

4. Veggies with a light dip

Watermelon feta salad

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

3. Watermelon feta salad

Yogurt with berries

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

2. Yogurt with berries

Fresh fruit cup

10 Healthy and Delicious Summer Snacks

Healthy and Delicious Summer SnacksSummertime is here so it’s time to think about healthy and delicious snacks for summer. When it comes to summertime snacking, we all want something light, icy and tasty so that we don’t have to worry about our waistlines. From fresh fruits and vegetables to homemade popsicles, there are many awesome summer snack ideas to try this season. Fruits and veggies are high in nutrients which will help to get you through the hot days and the homemade popsicles are a yummy treat for a summer BBQ. Try out these 10 healthy and delicious summer snacks and feel free to share your own summer snack ideas after reading through.

1. Fresh fruit cup