Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Tired All the Time?

Feel better instead of feeling tiredWe’ve all experienced it at one time or another: that awful, heavy feeling of being far too tired. It makes us grumpy, lazy, irritable and generally unhappy with everything and everyone around us.
How many of you think that you can “catch up” on missed sleep?
How many of you think it’s natural to feel tired every single day?
Take this short true-or-false sleep quiz. How did you score? (I got 7/10). It’s only a bit of fun, but one of the biggest problems when it comes to sleep is lack of information.
The number of sleep deprived Brits has risen by 50% over the past year, with nearly 6 in 10 people now getting less than 7 hours sleep a night.
Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for “tired all the time.” If you think this describes how you feel, follow these proven tips to feel better.

Vegetables You Can Grow in the Shade

Vegetables You Can Grow in the Shade

Plants require sunlight for their growth and in fact, most of them only grow if they are provided with at least six hours of sunlight in their day for nourishment. While no vegetables can actually grow in complete darkness, some of them can do remarkably well when grown in the shade. This is contrary to the expectations of many people who tend to think that a vegetable garden must be baked in complete sunlight all day long. Actually, this might not be very far from the truth as some vegetables like peppers, squash and tomatoes require sunlight in plenty to grow.

Stop Beating Yourself Up

The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of your thoughts. If you would like to feel happy and positive, ask yourself these compelling questions that just may convince you to stop beating yourself up.

Invite the Power of the Universe Into Your Life

3 Tips to Invite the Power of the Universe Into Your Life

When was the last time you looked up at the stars?

Have you ever gazed at them and thought about your future?

Many of us look up at the sky with a great sense of awe and wonder. Even with all the mystery surrounding the great expanses of the universe, it's amazing that staring at the stars can also provide a great sense of peace and sometimes also offer enlightenment.

When you think about it, the stars hold a tremendous amount of power, history, and knowledge. And when you make time to truly appreciate them and what they represent, and know that there's something so much bigger out there, you'll gain a greater understanding of yourself and the universe.

So try incorporating these 3 tips into your day (and night), to invite the power of the universe into your life:

Making Your Own Miracles

3 Tips for Making Your Own Miracles

Do you ever feel like your dreams and desires just never seem to miraculously materialize the way you want them to?

Well I'm here to tell you that miracles happen all around the world every day.

When it comes to manifesting miracles, all it takes is harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction...

It's true!

Tips For Visualization

5 Secret Tips For Successful Visualization

As you may already know, visualization is a key component of the Law of Attraction. It's a powerful technique of using your imagination to see your goals as already complete; and when used correctly, it can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals and ambitions.

Many accomplished athletes, powerful business personalities and other successful individuals use visualization to achieve their dreams and so can YOU!

Now, visualization can take some practice; so don't feel discouraged if you haven't already mastered it.

Myths of Meditation

6 Myths of Meditation Debunked!

In the last decade, meditation has become a hot topic in Western mainstream media and culture. It is now being practiced by people from all walks of life, including business professionals, athletes, artists and so on.

The numerous physical and mental benefits from meditation continue to fuel the growing popularity of the practice around the world. Even physicians are now prescribing mindfulness to improve aliments such as stress, depression and anxiety.

However, regardless of the growing popularity of meditation, there are still a few common misconceptions that prevent many people from trying it out. Here are some of the most popular myths about meditation... debunked!

Tips for Adopting a Stray Cat

7 Important Tips for Adopting a Stray Cat

Cats are my favorite pets. I’m almost charmed by the grace and beauty of these wonderful creatures. I am an owner of a former stray cat and I want to share my experience of bringing a stray cat into your life. You should be aware of various difficulties if you have an intention to take in a stray kitten. Before you decide to raise a stray animal, you need to consider the safety of yourself and your family. Moreover, you are to be patient enough to help the pet acclimatize to your home and life. Here are a few important tips for adopting a stray cat.

7 Things That Can Worsen Depression

7 Things That Can Worsen Depression

Things That Can Worsen DepressionNowadays depression is one of the most widely spread mental disorders of many people. The main signs of depression are helplessness, hopelessness and the sense of futility. Moreover, it is scientifically proved that psychological, spiritual and economic factors can intensify those states. There are many other triggers that can make your depression grow progressively. This illness can be mind shattering and life altering. It is almost impossible to deal with life, when depression takes over. That’s why you should use different strategies which can make you feel better. We need to better understand what causes and exacerbates depression in order to avoid the consequences of this disease.

Habits of Highly Healthy People

7 Best Habits of Highly Healthy People

Best Habits of Highly Healthy People
“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” This quote by Buddha is a life moto of highly healthy people. Don’t think that highly healthy people are crazy about their health, but they just develop effective habits to keep a good well-being. Nowadays there is no perfect formula for long life, physical health and happiness, but according to a large number of researches on health and longevity, these 7 habits will significantly improve your health and will make you feel better and happier day by day.