Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Parenting Advice

The Only Parenting Advice You’ll Ever Need

Parenting advice is available dime a dozen these days. However, much of it is about using the carrot and stick as a control mechanism to discipline the child. But what if raising well behaved children was indeed a child’s play?

In order to raise children who are successful and responsible as they grow up, you must learn to harness their true nature. You can tell your child’s behavioral traits by observing them closely.  As a parent, you must be intuitive and not reactive. If your child is social, they would need a friend in their parent. If you have an Energizer bunny on your hands, they’ll need you to keep them engaged with newer experiences often.

Be Happy Every Day

We all strive to be happy. To have happiness resonate from our very being and to then spread that happiness to our loved ones every day. But often we don’t know how. We do know what it’s like to be happy, but how can we be happy every single day? We’ve read advice, yet we don’t have solutions. Well, here is your personal solution list to being happy every day!

6 Ways Lack Of Sleep Is Destroying Your Life

6 Ways Lack Of Sleep Is Destroying Your Life

We all know that horrible feeling that comes from lack of sleep. We’re grumpy, sluggish, foggy and completely uninterested in whatever we’re doing that particular day. However, it may come as a surprise to learn that lack of sleep can have an enormous impact on your life and not a positive one.
Here’s six reasons why you should get between 8 hours’ sleep a night.

You Will Never Be Free Until You Free Yourself

You may have noticed that our world is something of a chaotic place lately. Loud. Noisy. Frantic. Angry. Violent. Fearful. Just watch the news. Actually, don’t. And by ‘world’, I mean the physical world we inhabit, not the self-created one inside our head. Although that can be a pretty awful place too. When we let it be.

Are you living consciously in an unconscious world?

living consciously in an unconscious world

You may have noticed that our world is something of a chaotic place lately. Loud. Noisy. Frantic. Angry. Violent. Fearful. Just watch the news. Actually, don’t. And by ‘world’, I mean the physical world we inhabit, not the self-created one inside our head. Although that can be a pretty awful place too. When we let it be.

Great Leader Says When Facing Challenges

When companies, families or businesses fall into trouble, the group often looks to the leader as if to say, “What now, boss?” And in those moments, truly great leaders know that every word they say matters. Not because they are genius and infallible, but because this is the moment to inspire the group to work together to overcome a difficulty. This is the moment to motivate creative solutions instead of adding to the current problem. This is the moment to drive exciting opportunities from chaos. It’s a leader’s job to rally the team, inspire them to seek solutions and give them hope. So what a leader says in this moment, means everything.
When facing difficult times, a truly great leader will say…

History’s Most Creative Minds And Their Sleep Schedules

3031754-inline-i-sleep-scheduleThe real role of sleep in the creative process is a bit of a confusing idea. On one hand, we know that sleep improves out productivity, sanity and overall ability to function, however many of us also have a massively romanticised idea that the great creatives from our history never slept and instead manically slaved over their work.
According to an infographic by New York based on Mason Currey’s ‘Daily Rituals: How Artists Work‘ the latter idea is mostly incorrect. In reality, many of our favourite writers, artists and musicians actually got a healthy six to eight hours sleep every night. So really, brilliance is a result of a well rested mind, and not staying awake by candle light slowly losing your mind like movies and biographies would have us believe.
Of the 27 inventively illustrated above, only a few of these creative minds had a weird sleep schedule. Balzac, for example, slept from 6pm to 1am and usually had a morning nap instead of sleeping through the night.
Which of these famous people’s sleep schedules most closely resembles yours?

The Sleeping Habits Of Geniuses | New York Mag


Behaviors That Will Kill Your Credibility

joe_biden_movie_industry_meeting_-_h_2013Whether you view them as essential to productivity or a complete waste of time, in the business world, meetings are here to stay and your behavior when attending them can serve to showcase your worth or undermine your credibility. Here are 9 actions to avoid in all meetings.

7 Thoughts to Kill If You Want to Be Successful

thoughtsOK! So you aren’t a bold visionary like Buffett or Branson, but that doesn’t mean you can’t aim to be successful. For every individual out there, success is defined differently: some people crave glory, power and money; others simply crave friendships, connections, and romance; and for some, success may be doing mundane chores of their house.
Just because you aren’t a big shot among your peers, doesn’t mean you can’t aim to be one. You will see plenty of tips and techniques that will take you down the road of success; however, you will not be able to travel on that road unless you believe in success for yourself. To be successful you need to avoid all those negative thoughts that are killing your drive. All such thoughts are generated by negative memories of previous failures, disappointment, humiliation, embarrassment and so on that remain alive and well in your unconscious mind.
To believe in success for yourself, you need to let go of these deadly thoughts.

Protect Your Privacy and Stay Safe Online

Privacy is a basic human right that is protected by the U.S. Constitution and international law. Despite the illegality of warrant-less spying, disclosures by whistle-blower Edward Snowden reveal that the NSA would like to know all of your secrets. Don’t wait for your government to do the right thing. Take action today with these ten ways to protect your privacy and stay safe online.

Spread Optimism This Summer

7 Fun Ways to Spread Optimism This Summer

Fun Ways to Spread Optimism This SummerOptimism is a unique quality that helps you to view misfortune as a one-time event and a challenge to work through and find new opportunities. Just like Noam Chomsky said, “Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are likely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.” Optimists can easily overcome obstacles and keep moving towards a bright future. Thus, a habit of positive thinking gives you more energy and enthusiasm to work, perform and reach goals faster. Moreover, optimists experience less stress and enjoy better health at ages 45 and 60. If you are an optimist, you are more capable of coping with setbacks in life without becoming depressed. Here are 7 simple tips that will help you enjoy the summer and develop a useful habit of positive thinking.

9 Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough

9 Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough

Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough TimesUnfortunately, life is not a bed of roses. We are going through life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won’t last forever.
When our time of mourning is over, we press forward, stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness.
Shaun Hick once said, “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is stand in the sun.” I want to share these ten old truths I’ve learned along the way.

Make Your Life Extraordinary

confidenceHave you ever noticed how some people seem to get ahead in life easily and effortlessly no matter what is going on around them? These people are amazing entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, leaders and even motivators. What is more interesting is that they are often not the most talented, hard working or smart people around. Yet, somehow, they achieve much more than the rest of us. What is it that makes their life so extraordinary? How can someone’s life even be extraordinary all the time?

Khalil Gibran says, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” The key to success isn’t complex. Rather, it is the cumulative effect of simple daily habits that bring success. If you are ready to live a truly extraordinary, you should follow the example of extraordinary people and do those simple things that perpetuate success and help make your own life extraordinary.

You Should Stop Changing Others

How and Why You Should Stop Changing Others

disneys-maleficent-2By trying or wanting to change others, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You were put into this world to make a mark for yourself, not for others. The key to resist the urge to change others is simply to focus upon yourself.
Here are some ways to do that:

Signs You Are a Hopelessly

10 Signs You Are a Hopelessly Ignorant Fool

Ignorant FoolIndependent thinkers are a rarity in our conformist society. If you want to be a more authentic and genuine person, consider these ten signs you are a hopelessly ignorant fool.

Signs That You’re Settling For Less In Life

large_6412643875Studies show that two-thirds of Americans are unhappy. That’s ridiculous. Whether you want to get out of a bad relationship, move across the country, start a business, dye your hair green or go to the moon, check this list for warning sings than you’re settling for less than you deserve.

Turn Stress Into Productivity

5 Ways To Turn Stress Into Productivity

turn stress into productivityStress prevents productivity, which is why you need to learn how to manage your stress levels in order to become more productive. Stress is self-imagined, self-imposed, and self-created; Which means you basically create your own stress and therefore you’re the one that’s preventing yourself from getting things done.
Stress is an unhealthy emotion that wastes too much of your energy. Instead, you should be focusing all that energy on the task at hand. Stress only becomes as powerful as you allow it to (at least that’s what Yoda told me). An emotion like stress can derail your day and control your actions, but it doesn’t have to; by stopping and addressing the issue once it starts, you’ll be a lot more likely to spend your day actually getting things done instead of just stressing over getting things done.

7 Steps To Understanding Yourself

Can you think of a time where you were fuming because you seriously just could NOT handle dealing with difficult people anymore?
It can be frustrating to deal with difficult people. It can test our patience and our limits. When a person is purposely being difficult and pushing your buttons, it may seem almost impossible not to blow up and put them in their place.
But today I wanted to share with you an invitation to let go.
After reading Byron Katie’s book “Loving What Is” when I was getting my coaching training, it seriously transformed the way I look at conflicts and how I feel about them. In this post, I’m going to show you how understanding yourself makes it easier to deal with “difficult people.”
Although I have the practical business and marketing expertise, I have Life Coach training as well and have always placed very high value on personal development and self-discovery (that’s also a part of why I call myself a Holistic Business Coach). I believe it’s crucial to spend time learning and exploring who you are in order to become successful in your business. I do this process with my clients sometimes when they need it or direct them to the book for private exploration.

It’s life-changing.