Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

12 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

hot waterI think that most of us know by now that water is essential to our survival. We’ve probably also all heard doctors say that drinking roughly eight glasses a day is ideal. However, what most people don’t know is that warm water and hot water have some exclusive benefits of their own that you just can’t get when you drink water cold. Here are 12 benefits of drinking hot water:

Your Homemade Face Mask

7 Best Foods to Add to Your Homemade Face Mask

Best Foods to Add to Your Homemade Face MaskWith so many face masks available these days, it’s hard to choose one that works great for your skin. The biggest downside of all those masks is the ingredients. I’ve tried tons of different face masks and I can surely say that even the most expensive mask can be bad for your skin, especially if it’s sensitive. Homemade face masks are great because you have more control over the ingredients and you know that these ingredients are healthy. Check out the list of the foods you can add to your homemade masks. They really do wonders for the skin.

Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin

10 Foods to Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin

Foods to Eat Every Day for Perfect SkinAre you tired of using different expensive and ineffective beauty products? It’s time to throw away all those ineffective products and start eating foods for perfect skin. I went from terrible acne five months ago to not having acne now. It was hard, but it was possible, and less expensive than turning to pricey products. While some foods can aggravate your skin, others can enhance it. Check out a list of 10 foods to eat every day for perfect skin.

Make Sure Your Life Matters

Do These 7 Things To Make Sure Your Life Matters

Life MattersWe all want to make our mark on this world. But how many of us are actually doing it? Maybe you think you are, or maybe you don’t, but it’s never too late to think about how you can make the world a better place. If you really want to leave a legacy after you’re gone, but you’re at a loss for what to do differently, remember these 7 things.

Don’t Need a Reason To Help People

You Don’t Need a Reason To Help People

you dont need a reason to help people
Finding and keeping friends in adulthood is different from the days when you played on the playground at recess. It takes work to maintain friendships over time. If you don’t have many friends, it’s important to consider the possible reasons why.

11 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Many Friends

Stop Making These 7 Mistakes

If You Don’t Want Your Cover To Be Trashed, Stop Making These 7 Mistakes

The cover letter is the first thing a prospective employer sees. Before the resume, before ever putting your face to your name, hiring teams will see your cover letter. It’s important to write as good a cover letter as possible to avoid getting passed over. The following are seven common cover letter mistakes and how to avoid them:

Success Is Not A Race

sdfsadfdfffTake Your Time, Success Is Not A Race

Success has nothing to do with your age.
Prominent leaders did not accomplish their goals until their minds matured.
If you’re worried about your age as a primary factor for success, view the infographic for some realistic motivation. Being in a hurry can cause you to make mistakes, which you’ll have to fix eventually.
Why not fix it early on, while it hasn’t blown up into a big, overwhelming problem?
That’s what most people mentioned in the infographic did. They took their time and became respectable leaders in their field. They didn’t take shortcuts. Instead, they immersed themselves in the learning process. Because of this mindset, the people around them also benefited from their patience.
Next time you feel like it’s too late to reach your personal and career goals, don’t worry. Success comes to those who wait and are persistent at what they do.

ha ha ha ha ....


From America's Natural Doctor, as seen on ABC News, CNN and Public Television Stations


The Shocking Truth About Natural Cures...and the Safe Alternatives You Should Start Shopping for Now!

New research reveals shocking natural health cures may actually "trigger" poisons in your body. Read this urgent briefing to discover:
  • The “Miracle Food,” commonly recommended by doctors that may cause cancer… there’s much better natural cures.
  • Why organic chickens might not be organic at all… plus what to eat instead.
  • The #1 WORST healthy carb (slows down hormones, hampers memory, stores fat)... and the surprising foods that kick start your metabolism again

Dear Health Conscious American,

Picture the foods that are in your fridge at this very moment.
Did you know that almost every single one of these foods contain “hidden” age-accelerating chemicals that can slow down your metabolism, sap your energy, and block your fat burning potential by a whopping 82% – even the ones you think are so called healthy, organic, or natural foods?
It’s true.
It all has to do with a very specific type of food that has never existed before in nature… created by one of the biggest, most powerful agricultural companies in the world… Monsanto. Yet Monsanto claims these lab creations and the seeds they come from are safe. Even worse the FDA claims the food that grows from them is just like the real thing, so no problem.
But what they’re finding is that they are far from safe...
For example, did you know one of these “Frankenfoods” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea...even cancer?
Yet, the Fed allows it to be used in almost every cereal, packaged food, and candy bar at your supermarket… it’s completely unregulated.
The worst thing is, new federal laws make it so you don’t even have the RIGHT to know about it. Why?
Sadly, it’s all about money. If the big companies support Washington with contributions… Washington rewards them with favorable legislation, loose rules, and free pass over the competition.
You see, the feds have welcomed in these mega-processors with open arms. They aid them with a labyrinth of government regulations that stifle the efforts of organic farms, horrify investigators and watchdog organizations and terrorize family farmers.
The good news is, we are in a critical period. Iit is both simple and easy to protect yourself from contaminated foods. And when you do, you’ll notice immediate health benefits.
If you’ve noticed a decrease in energy, your metabolism slowing, or feel tired all the time, you may already be affected. These may all be symptoms of the chemical reactions caused by “Frankenfoods”.
That’s why it is important you take action today.
What you can do are a few simple steps that take just minutes. They’re easy to understand and easy to do, and I’ll show you them in my free special report “Frankenstein Set Free on the Farm”... where I explain which foods to avoid, why they are so dangerous, and how to reverse symptoms you may already be experiencing in your body.
Dr. Sears has been exposing the flaws of mainstream medicine and creating health breakthroughs for more than 20 years. Blowing the lid on health scandals like low-fat diets, cholesterol and heart disease, and the truth about aging in your body.
And this special alert is no different. In it, Dr. Sears shows you how and why this GMO horror show is unfolding and what you can do to avoid the crippling side effects and take back your health.
In this free report, you’ll discover the unconscionable behavior of Monsanto, and how this GMO food giant controls nearly every food seed on earth, using its government-backed power to:
  • Strong-arm farmers to force them to either use their seeds, or go out of business
  • Abuse starving Haitians and profit from the earthquake that devastated them
  • Poison an entire town in Alabama for years, and hid the fact they were doing it
  • Frighten, threaten and bring million-dollar lawsuits against hard-working American farmers throughout rural America and the Farm Belt

I’ll also show you:

  • Why genetically modified foods are so dangerous... how to recognize them... and how reverse their aging effects in your body
  • How one food giant is trying to destroy the natural sweetener stevia in its native environment so they can grow their own patented version – and sell it to you at a huge profit
  • How a study of 30 rats convinced the feds to allow growth hormone into your milk – and the milk producers don’t have to tell you it’s in there
  • Why “organic” chickens might not be organic at all
Plus, he also reveals the compelling studies showing the dangerous so called “miracle food” you should stop eating immediately... Plus eight simple steps to avoid the hidden GMO traps in your diet... and keep Franken-foods off your dinner table.
You need this information immediately to protect you and your family from dangerous threats to your health – because your government and Big-Agra certainly aren’t going to.
Plus, when you receive your free report today, you’ll also get a FREE subscription to my daily health advisory, Doctor’s House Call. This is where you’ll discover the latest natural advances in medicine... unpublished cures to living longer… better… naturally, without prescription meds or trips to doctor. Click here to get your free report immediately.

Keeping Mentally Fit

Sleeping, Reading Keys to Keeping Mentally Fit

Seven hours of sleep a night and lots of reading. That seems to be the magic formula for keeping mentally alert into old age, according to the findings of a new study out of Spain.
After analyzing the lifestyles of 245 seniors aged 65 and older, researchers from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, Spain found that those who slept either too much or too little and abstained from brain-stimulating activities like reading were at increased risk of developing cognitive impairment.
According to their study, published in the journal Revista de Investigacion Clinica, seniors who slept more than eight hours or less than six, were 2.6 times more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment compared to those who got six to eight hours a night.
Likewise, the absence of brain-boosting activities like reading also contributed to cognitive decline: Those who admitted to not reading were 3.7 times at increased risk, while those who said they read occasionally increased their risk by 2.5 times.
Overall, 12 percent of the participants suffered from cognitive impairment.
Researchers point out that age-related cognitive decline affects 35.6 million people worldwide. According to the World Alzheimer Report, that figure is expected to spike to 100 million cases in 2050.
Other known lifestyle habits that can help seniors keep their brain sharp is to adopt a regular exercise regime and a healthy diet that includes brain-boosting foods rich in omega-3s and antioxidants.

© AFP/Relaxnews 2014

Yoga Lowers Blood Pressure

Yoga Lowers Blood Pressure: Study

Doing yoga may help reduce blood pressure among people with hypertension, a new analysis of past studies suggests.
“There is now a growing number of randomized controlled trials on yoga for a variety of medical conditions,” Holger Cramer told Reuters Health in an email.
But, he added, “the quality and expressiveness of these trials varies, thus, it is often difficult to evaluate the real evidence for the usefulness of yoga in a specific condition based on single trials.”
Cramer led the review at the Faculty of Medicine at University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen, Germany.
Previous studies have suggested yoga may be beneficial for a number of health conditions, including irregular heart rhythms and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Cramer said he has published reviews on yoga for low back pain, breast cancer, schizophrenia, depression, menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular risk factors, heart disease, asthma and rheumatic diseases.
“The current review on yoga for hypertension is part of this ongoing project. In my opinion, since yoga is widely used all over the world for a number of health issues, it is of crucial importance to scientifically evaluate where it is useful - and where it is not,” he said.
The findings were published in the American Journal of Hypertension.
Cramer and his colleagues combined the results of seven previous studies that included 452 patients. In each of those studies, people with high or borderline-high blood pressure were randomly assigned to practice yoga for at least eight weeks or to get usual blood pressure care or another type of treatment instead.
The researchers found that on average, yoga reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) by about 10 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by 7 mm Hg, compared to usual care.
When they looked only at patients with full-blown hypertension - leaving out those with only slightly elevated blood pressure, or “prehypertension” - the reduction in blood pressure was even greater.
“We did, however, not find any effects in pre-hypertensive patients,” Cramer said.
The National Institutes of Health defines high blood pressure as 140/90 mm Hg and above. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, and prehypertension is anything in the middle.
The review also found that yoga helped patients who were taking blood pressure medication at the same time, but not those who used it as an alternative to drugs.
However, the studies included in the review varied in ways that made it difficult to evaluate the big picture of yoga’s effect on blood pressure, the researchers said.
Two studies looked at specific yoga styles. One exclusively examined the effect of yoga breathing techniques, and the rest involved some combination of yoga postures and breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation and lifestyle advice.
“While these findings are limited by the few available trials, we found that yoga breathing seems to be more effective and safer in persons with hypertension than more physically-oriented yoga forms,” Cramer said.
The researchers also looked at the safety of yoga and found three adverse reactions were reported in one of the studies. But it did not specify what those involved.
Other studies have suggested that strains of the neck, shoulders, legs and knees are common yoga injuries.
“An issue that is really important and generally underrepresented in yoga research is the evaluation of the safety of the intervention - in order to be able to precisely balance potential benefits and potential harms for each individual patient,” Cramer said.
The lack of consistency between studies, and limitations in the research methods they employed, means more research is needed, he said.
“It is really important to have large, well-designed trials available that fulfill the standards of today’s biomedical research,” he said. “It might be worthwhile to conduct some more trials that compare yoga to other forms of physical activity.”
Cramer recommends that people interested in yoga look for a style that incorporates breathing techniques and relaxation with yoga postures and look for a yoga teacher who has experience working with people who try yoga for medical reasons.
“A licensed yoga therapist would be the best choice if available,” he said.
Cramer added that patients should not stop taking their blood pressure medication and should not to be too aggressive with their yoga practice.
“Respect your limits; yoga is not about achievement and it should be practiced mindful,” he said.


4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack

These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack

Despite what you may believe, heart attacks rarely happen “out of the blue.”

In fact, your body may be trying to warn you of an impending heart attack for days, weeks, perhaps even a month or two before it occurs. Unfortunately, by the time you actually recognize you’re suffering a heart attack, it could be too late to prevent death or debilitating heart damage.

So-called silent heart attacks, with signs and symptoms that are mild or seem unrelated to the heart, have long concerned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall. So Dr. Crandall recently created a special free video presentation about the four most sinister warning signs to watch for.

Statistics show a clear link between a delay in heart attack treatment and death or disability. That’s why it’s essential to know exactly what your heart is trying to tell you with warning signs like those discussed in Dr. Crandall’s video.

Although developed as an educational tool, this video rapidly went viral, surpassing 5 million viewers in just a few months.

Newsmax Health Publisher Travis Davis attributes the viral sensation to the fact that the content hits close to home for many Americans, especially because heart disease is America’s #1 killer. In fact, in the U.S. alone, nearly 1 million people suffer their first heart attack each year.

Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the renowned Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach, Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology.

Editor's Note: 4 Bodily Signs a Heart Attack is Near: A Special Video Report 

Decades of clinical experience have afforded him the chance to detect little-known warning signs and symptoms like the four he addresses in the video.

Plus, in the video Dr. Crandall also tells the real-life story of one man who suffered a “widow-maker” heart attack after ignoring the warning signs — and almost paid the ultimate price. The story is scary but eye-opening, because Dr. Crandall outlines what could have been done to actually prevent this from progressing to the life-threatening stage.

Dr. Crandall, medical editor of the Newsmax publication Heart Health Report, has a positive message: you don’t have to be a sitting duck for a deadly heart attack. In fact, according to Dr. Crandall, heart disease can be prevented — and even reversed — with the right information and simple lifestyle adjustments.

Editor’s Note
: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report available at no charge. Click here to see the 4 things that happen before a heart attack.

© 2014 NewsmaxHealth. All rights reserved.

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Alert: What Is Your Risk for a Heart Attack? Find Out Now

21 Gifts for Mom That Don’t Cost Money


21 Gifts for Mom That Don’t Cost Money

Gifts can be pricey. Do you want to spoil Mom but don’t have the money to do it? Here are 21 ways to treat her that won’t cost a cent.

Make Money On The Internet

24 Easy Ways To Make Money On The Internet

Easy Way to Make Money on the Internet

So it turns out that the internet is good for more than just porn and video games – you can make money off it too! Think of the internet as a giant country called Imaginationland. By playing your cards right, you can make some easy money online doing things you’re already doing. Here are some lifehacks to start you off:

How To Memorize Things Quicker

How To Memorize Things Quicker Than Other People

How To Memorize Things Quicker Than The Other PeoplePeople like to joke that the only thing you really “learn” in school is how to memorize. As it turns out, that’s not even the case for most of us. If you go around the room and ask a handful of people how to memorize things quickly, most of them will probably tell you repetition.

That is so far from the truth, it’s running for office. If you want to memorize something quickly and thoroughly, repetition won’t cut it; however, recalling something will. The problem is that recalling something requires learning, and we all learn in different ways. Below are some universal steps to mastering the art of recalling so that you can start memorizing a ton of data in a short amount of time.

Typography in One Month

How to Get Really Good at Typography in One Month

How to Get Really Good at Typography in One Month
Typography is the visual representation of the written word; though if it’s used effectively, it can also add meaning to what is being communicated. Good typography is more than just choosing a favorite font. It’s setting and arranging type in a way that is legible and pleasing for viewers.

Free Resources to Create a Simple Ebook

20 + Free Resources to Create a Simple Ebook

If you’re building an online business, chances are you’ll need to create a simple PDF ebook at some point. And yes, you could outsource it, or buy fancy software.  But wouldn’t you agree that some of the very best ebooks get straight to the point, and offer you the answers to your questions with out the hype or drama?
A clean ebook (like a clean simple website) doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Today we’re looking at free resources (many you may already have installed on your computer) to help you create a simple pdf styled ebook.

Google Cloud Print – Print Anywhere, From Anything

You can print to your home printer, or your office printer, from anywhere, using any of your devices, if you use Google Cloud Print. It is far simpler than you would imagine to set up, and to use.
This short video walks you through the process of setting up Google Cloud Print and using it.

Overcome Email Overload, With Steve

Google Now Commands You

60 Google Now Commands You Need To Know

Nexus 5 finally came out last October 31! I know, that’s a month ago but just in case you got so busy and did not hear the news, I got to confirm it here — it’s out. In addition to the great news, you can now enjoy Google’s wonderful personal assistant — Google Now. It’s compatible with Nexus 5. (Like you need telling!)
Four weeks ago, reports stated that Google Now will be available for the Samsung Galaxy S4, the Nexus 4, 7, and 10, and HTC One Google Play edition in a matter of weeks; so now, I assume Google Now is available for all the devices mentioned above. Also, lots of people (including the guy writing this) don’t need to be patient and wait any longer. We can all enjoy it now.
Just what is so special about Google Now? For one, you can trigger its voice commands even without touching your gadget. Just casually say two words — “Okay Google” and you’re all set. Now for the rest of the 60 commands, here’s your guide. It’s a graphic produced by

Just what is so special about Google Now? For one, you can trigger its voice commands even without touching your gadget. Just casually say two words — “Okay Google” and you’re all set. Now for the rest of the 60 commands, here’s your guide. It’s a graphic produced by


Google Tips

Hidden Google Tips You Probably Don’t Know

GoogleThere are very few companies or products that actually enter the language as both a noun and a verb. Everyone knows what Google is, and chances are that we’ve all used it as a verb as well; after all, it’s really common to say, ”I need to Google something,” instead of, “I need to look for something on the Internet.” As much as Yahoo, AOL and Bing would love to have their names used in the same way, it simply hasn’t happened, and unless something catastrophic happens to Google, it never will.

As an anonymous Internet user once famously said, “I accidentally used to search for something today. I feel like everyone who worked there probably high-fived each other and felt hopeful about the future.” It’s undeniable that Google is the dominant force when it comes to Internet search engines. They are the biggest, which leads to their search results being amazingly in-depth, which arguably also makes them the best.



Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Mahayana (berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta: महायान, mahāyāna yang secara harafiah berarti 'Kendaraan Besar') adalah satu dari dua aliran utama Agama Buddha dan merupakan istilah pembagian filosofi dan ajaran Sang Buddha. Mahayana, yang dilahirkan di India, digunakan atas tiga pengertian utama:
  1. Sebagai tradisi yang masih berada, Mahayana merupakan kumpulan terbesar dari dua tradisi Agama Buddha yang ada hari ini, yang lainnya adalah Theravada. Pembagian ini seringkali diperdebatkan oleh berbagai kelompok.
  2. Menurut cara pembagian klasifikasi filosofi Agama Buddha berdasarkan aliran Mahayana, Mahayana merujuk kepada tingkat motifasi spiritual (yang dikenal juga dengan sebutan Bodhisattvayana ) Berdasarkan pembagian ini, pendekatan pilihan yang lain disebut Hinayana, atau Shravakayana. Hal ini juga dikenal dalam Ajaran Theravada, tetapi tidak dianggap sebagai pendekatan yang sesuai.