Selasa, 13 Mei 2014


From America's Natural Doctor, as seen on ABC News, CNN and Public Television Stations


The Shocking Truth About Natural Cures...and the Safe Alternatives You Should Start Shopping for Now!

New research reveals shocking natural health cures may actually "trigger" poisons in your body. Read this urgent briefing to discover:
  • The “Miracle Food,” commonly recommended by doctors that may cause cancer… there’s much better natural cures.
  • Why organic chickens might not be organic at all… plus what to eat instead.
  • The #1 WORST healthy carb (slows down hormones, hampers memory, stores fat)... and the surprising foods that kick start your metabolism again

Dear Health Conscious American,

Picture the foods that are in your fridge at this very moment.
Did you know that almost every single one of these foods contain “hidden” age-accelerating chemicals that can slow down your metabolism, sap your energy, and block your fat burning potential by a whopping 82% – even the ones you think are so called healthy, organic, or natural foods?
It’s true.
It all has to do with a very specific type of food that has never existed before in nature… created by one of the biggest, most powerful agricultural companies in the world… Monsanto. Yet Monsanto claims these lab creations and the seeds they come from are safe. Even worse the FDA claims the food that grows from them is just like the real thing, so no problem.
But what they’re finding is that they are far from safe...
For example, did you know one of these “Frankenfoods” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea...even cancer?
Yet, the Fed allows it to be used in almost every cereal, packaged food, and candy bar at your supermarket… it’s completely unregulated.
The worst thing is, new federal laws make it so you don’t even have the RIGHT to know about it. Why?
Sadly, it’s all about money. If the big companies support Washington with contributions… Washington rewards them with favorable legislation, loose rules, and free pass over the competition.
You see, the feds have welcomed in these mega-processors with open arms. They aid them with a labyrinth of government regulations that stifle the efforts of organic farms, horrify investigators and watchdog organizations and terrorize family farmers.
The good news is, we are in a critical period. Iit is both simple and easy to protect yourself from contaminated foods. And when you do, you’ll notice immediate health benefits.
If you’ve noticed a decrease in energy, your metabolism slowing, or feel tired all the time, you may already be affected. These may all be symptoms of the chemical reactions caused by “Frankenfoods”.
That’s why it is important you take action today.
What you can do are a few simple steps that take just minutes. They’re easy to understand and easy to do, and I’ll show you them in my free special report “Frankenstein Set Free on the Farm”... where I explain which foods to avoid, why they are so dangerous, and how to reverse symptoms you may already be experiencing in your body.
Dr. Sears has been exposing the flaws of mainstream medicine and creating health breakthroughs for more than 20 years. Blowing the lid on health scandals like low-fat diets, cholesterol and heart disease, and the truth about aging in your body.
And this special alert is no different. In it, Dr. Sears shows you how and why this GMO horror show is unfolding and what you can do to avoid the crippling side effects and take back your health.
In this free report, you’ll discover the unconscionable behavior of Monsanto, and how this GMO food giant controls nearly every food seed on earth, using its government-backed power to:
  • Strong-arm farmers to force them to either use their seeds, or go out of business
  • Abuse starving Haitians and profit from the earthquake that devastated them
  • Poison an entire town in Alabama for years, and hid the fact they were doing it
  • Frighten, threaten and bring million-dollar lawsuits against hard-working American farmers throughout rural America and the Farm Belt

I’ll also show you:

  • Why genetically modified foods are so dangerous... how to recognize them... and how reverse their aging effects in your body
  • How one food giant is trying to destroy the natural sweetener stevia in its native environment so they can grow their own patented version – and sell it to you at a huge profit
  • How a study of 30 rats convinced the feds to allow growth hormone into your milk – and the milk producers don’t have to tell you it’s in there
  • Why “organic” chickens might not be organic at all
Plus, he also reveals the compelling studies showing the dangerous so called “miracle food” you should stop eating immediately... Plus eight simple steps to avoid the hidden GMO traps in your diet... and keep Franken-foods off your dinner table.
You need this information immediately to protect you and your family from dangerous threats to your health – because your government and Big-Agra certainly aren’t going to.
Plus, when you receive your free report today, you’ll also get a FREE subscription to my daily health advisory, Doctor’s House Call. This is where you’ll discover the latest natural advances in medicine... unpublished cures to living longer… better… naturally, without prescription meds or trips to doctor. Click here to get your free report immediately.

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