Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Benefits of Cherrie

Six Hidden Health Benefits of Cherrie

Amazing Reasons to Eat CherriesWith a wide range of health benefits, cherries -- and more specifically, tart cherries -- are an oft-overlooked superfoods. But whether it's insomnia, joint pain or belly fat you're dealing with, cherries may be just what the doctor ordered. Here's why.

Secrets of a Successful and Long-Lasting Marriage

7 Secrets of a Successful and Long-Lasting Marriage

Secrets of a Successful and Long-Lasting MarriageNowadays there are so many secrets to a long-lasting and harmonic marriage. You should realize that marriage requires constant work and struggle for mutual understanding and happiness. Be ready to face the reality of marriage and do your best to maintain love, passion and friendship regardless of all possible problems and barriers. I hope this article will give you greater chances to overcome the difficulties of a family life.



In Malaysia, there are two types of divorce of marriage for non-Muslims:
1) Divorce by mutual consent, i.e. both parties agree to the divorce
2) Divorce without mutual consent

Both parties to the marriage can jointly file a divorce where they can mutually agree to divorce. By a joint petition, both parties can freely decide on the maintenance for wife and children, custody and care of the children, division of matrimonial assets.

Remember How Blessed You Are

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are.
Everyone feels overwhelmed and stressed sometimes.
  • Maybe you have a family situation that needs extra time and attention.
  • Maybe you have a particular co-worker that just somehow grates on your very last nerve.
  • Maybe you are ill or some you love is ill.
So what can you do when you feel angry, overwhelmed and stressed about the things you really have little control over?

7 Simple Ways to Lower Your Stress in 15 Minutes or Less
