Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

High EQ

10 Things High EQ People Don’t Do

high eq
Many people hang their success in life on their IQ level. Yet, there is something that can be an even stronger predictor of success. We all know really smart people who are limited in their lives because they just don’t play well with others. They have high IQs, but horribly low EQs. The good news is that while your IQ may be a bit harder to change, anyone can work on developing a better EQ.

Routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed

The Best Routine Article TemplateEzineArticles.com Logo
Routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed.
Finding the right balance in your routine can make a huge impact on your personal and professional life. Even the smallest change can make a huge impact on your success.
Consider your routine throughout your day, your week, and even your month. Routines can include habitual commonplace tasks from chores to duties. (Even if you are a professional who never touches the same task twice, there are likely unvarying portions of your day.)
Over the years, what changes have you made to your routine that have positively affected you in your personal and professional relationships?
  • Did waking up earlier to have more "quiet time" help motivate you?
  • Run, walk, or mediate, did changing your exercise routine increase your productivity level?
  • Does answering emails before lunch affect your business or personal relationships positively?
  • Were brainstorming or problem solving sessions more effective after restructuring meetings?
  • Does taking one hour to discover something new every day help you strengthen your expertise?
Help your readers save time, effort, and reach success with this easy template! Simply recommend the strategies, methods, and other changes to your routine that made the biggest impact on your success.
The Best Routine Article Template
  • Introduction: Readers love to read about overcoming adversity to achieve success. Open up about the trials you faced prior to your success. Introduce how changing your routine (big or small) positively impacted your ability to succeed and how it can help your readers too.
  • List Routine Changes: Provide a list of routine changes that you made. In 2-3 sentences, describe how to best implement the change and the outcome of the change.
  • Conclusion: Recap how the routine changes will positively affect your readers' success.
Have you written an article that discusses successful routines? Click here to let us know how it worked for you by sharing your comments - we'd love to hear from you!
Article Templates can help you easily organize your thoughts and ideas. Click here to get the dynamic 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF package.
Christopher M. KnightTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: On Google+? We made it easier than ever for you to follow us and stay up-to-date with EzineArticles' latest Expert Author news and tips. Visit EzineArticles.com and click the Google+icon to begin following us today!
EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Bruce Kaler M.D."... establish your voice and brand ..."The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.
Bruce Kaler M.D.

Write Mobile-Friendly Articles!

Article Writing for Mobile: How to Speak to On-the-Go ReadersEzineArticles.com Logo
Write Mobile-Friendly Articles!
Searches on smartphones and other devices are way up, which means people are more often than not looking for a quick answer to their question.
How do you write an article that speaks (or rather "reads") to these readers?
Do just that: expertly write content that delivers their answers quickly and informatively.
5 Mobile-Friendly Writing Tips
  • Eye-Catching Titles
    Your titles should be transparent, relevant, descriptive, and maintain brevity. Target title length from 65-70 characters to avoid truncation, and use the Long-Tail Method to distribute keywords evenly.
  • Compelling Summaries
    Do not skip writing an engagingarticle summary that targets the reader's benefit - their need or want. In your summary, clearly describe the main point and benefit of the article, as well as your unique value proposition or what makes this article better than the rest.

Grammar Revision

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar Revision ChecklistEzineArticles.com Logo
Grammar Denial
When you're part of a writing community, such as EzineArticles.com, there comes a time when you're asked to copy edit a friend or family member's work. This recently was the case for me when I accepted a request to review a friend's magazine.
After an hour of review, I was surprised by the sheer number of grammatical errors and attempted to negotiate how to constructively help my friend. There were three stages to our conversation:
  1. Denial - "You're too strict," she said.
  2. Anger - Frustrated and feeling cornered, "I was never formally educated in school" she spat out.
  3. Bargaining - "Don't worry about punctuation or sentence structure," she told me. "Just look for spelling and misused words."
Now I was confused. Punctuation and sentence structure are part of good grammar!

You Can Ignore

Forget About It: 3 Grammar Rules
You Can Ignore
EzineArticles.com Logo
Grammar can be scary.
For many, learning and practicing good grammar may seem more like a punishment than an awesome opportunity to mold words into powerful ideas.
This fear may have grown into full blown anxiety - no one likes having their grammar questioned. The result of this anxiety is not writing, proofreading paralysis, becoming overly defensive (not open to criticism), or obsessing over non-standard "grammar rules" that most grammarians couldn't care less about.
Yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition and I liked it. You did too, because "obsessing over non-standard 'grammar rules' about which most grammarians couldn't care less" sounds condescending and arrogant.
Article writing is about connecting with readers, building trust, and then taking a little journey together (whether to build long-lasting relationships, encourage an exchange, or more). The best way to connect is through your voice, not your words.
Wait! Before you throw grammar completely out the window, remember that your readers still need to understand your message in order to connect with you. Always practice good grammar, but feel free to relax by tossing these 3 "grammar rules" right out the window.
"Don't End a Sentence with a Preposition"

Create Quality

How to Create Quality
Content in 7 Steps
EzineArticles.com Logo
Content marketing is now more important than ever in managing an online presence.
While strategies like blogging and social media are must-haves in today's content marketing world, article writing is an incredible strategy that will take your efforts to the next level. Article writing will give your efforts an advantage to get ahead of the competition, increase exposure, and create an authoritative brand that delivers long-term results.
Although I like to believe so, writing isn't for everyone. If you lack passion for your niche, don't have a good grasp on English grammar, or are unwilling to share your incredible insights in the form of informative articles, then no - article writing isn't for you. However, if you have the passion, the patience, and the willingness to improve your writing skills, then article writing is absolutely for you and we'll help you get started.
Discover how to write great articles using the How to Create Quality Content in 7 Steps graphic as your guide! Simply click on the graphic below for a close up of this post online.
How to Create Quality Content in 7 Steps

Ask Yourself BEFORE ?

7 Questions You Should Ask Yourself BEFORE You WriteEzineArticles.com Logo
Make article writing a breeze with prewriting!
If you're thinking, "what's the deal? Writing shouldn't be this difficult?!" then you're absolutely right: you're spending way too much time writing and not enough time planning.
Invoke the 5 Ps of Success:
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
In fact, let's put an Expert Author twist on the 5 Ps of Success:
Proper Prewriting Prevents Poor Performance!
Prewriting is the planning, researching, and organizing stage prior to the actual act of writing. If you treat the act of writing as a separate task that occurs after prewriting, then you will squeeze more out of your efforts, alleviate frustration, and save time.
Use these seven questions as a guide to prewriting to ensure originality, creativity, and quality!
7 Prewriting Questions

Learn From Zombies, Werewolves, and Vampires

What Writers Can Learn From Zombies, Werewolves, and VampiresEzineArticles.com Logo
These Gruesome Beasts Can Teach You How to Improve Your Writing
The monsters from supernatural lore get a pretty bad rap. Of course brain eating, dismembering, and murder to name a few are difficult to overlook ... But there's a thing or two you can learn from the most hair-raising monsters which can help you successfully bring your writing efforts back from the dead.

Make Writing a Daily Habit

Be Better, Faster:
Make Writing a Daily Habit
EzineArticles.com Logo
Get on the Right Track to Accomplish Your Writing Goals
Many authors hit the proverbial wall or performance plateau: Your attention wanes, distractions increase, you can't seem to break any new ground in your writing, and the finish line is further away ...
No matter what: Stay on track! Don't give up. You've got a goal to meet and we can help.

Authority Killers

20 Embarrassing Authority Killers That Will Make Readers Flee En MasseEzineArticles.com Logo
Want to Kill Your Authority? Ignore This List
I once heard anything can kill you - such as thousands of paper cuts could potentially make you bleed out and anything taken out of moderation could have harmful effects. The same may be true for your authority - anything could potentially kill it, but that doesn't mean you should lock it up (see #5) or not take calculated risks (see #7). It's all about moderation and using common sense.

Tips to Improve Your Mindset

7 Tips to Improve Your Mindset In Article WritingEzineArticles.com Logo
Doesn't it Feel Like We're Perpetually in Crunch Mode?
When tomorrow's tasks should have been done yesterday, we begin to feel an overwhelming time crunch. In the name of Efficiency and Speed, we may find ourselves turning into machines and may even do things we typically would never carry out.

don't cry over spilled milk

Avoid Cliches Like the Plague to Stop Contributing to the NoiseEzineArticles.com Logo
There's More to Clichés Than Meets the Eye
Clichés can kill your authority and should be avoided like the plague. But if you have used them, don't worry: it's no use crying over spilled milkThink outside the box to avoid sounding like abroken record to get more bang for your buck because time, like money, doesn't grow on trees.
Whether you're for or against clichés, there's a lot more than meets the eye. Before you light the torches against friendly figures of speech and idioms, let's take a closer look.
That's so cliché!
A cliché is a phrase, opinion, or even idea that is overused and betrays a lack of thought. Whatever strength it had when it was first issued has now lost its original meaning and effect on readers - it is now cliché.
Clichés are like an anesthetic for readers by often blocking any recognition that makes the reader connect and engage with the text. Why? Because clichés lack originality. They are predictable. They are often gross exaggerations of the truth. They add to the immense noise on the web. And they may ultimately leave your readers feeling completely numb toward your message.
Figures of speech, a word or phrase used in a nonliteral sense to add rhetorical force to a spoken or written passage, are often lumped into the category of clichés and that's unfortunate.
Here are some examples of figures of speech that have often received the black-listed label of a cliché by critics:
  • avoid like the plague
  • falling in love
  • back to the drawing board
  • racking our brains
  • broken record
  • climbing the ladder of success
  • don't cry over spilled milk
  • breaking the glass ceiling
  • broke the bank
  • light as a feather
  • when it rains, it pours
  • think outside the box
  • money doesn't grow on trees
  • throw (someone) under the bus
  • more bang for your buck
In moderation, each of the above figures of speech can be useful in great writing today. A well-placed figure of speech or idiom may help convey a particular thought or feeling as well as make an otherwise difficult topic more approachable. The key is to use the occasional figure of speech as a tool to convey your own original ideas; simply ensure your own original ideas shine above the figure of speech.
Here's what's really wrong with clichés ...
Let's open another can of worms: Cliché settings and ideas. Easily recognizable in movies - the heroes riding off into the sunset, rain falling on the face of the man whose love will never be returned, and even the line "Whatever you do, don't look down" - clichés are an easy go to for writers, but they're not memorable.
Think about that line, "Whatever you do, don't look down." The camera pans down as the person, not following the directions, looks down and there's a pit of snakes or scorpions, perhaps a tank of sharks or piranhas, and maybe it's an unfathomable drop that's supposed to make you gasp in fear. You've seen it right? Can you name the movie in less than 30 seconds? If you can, good for you! However, if you're like most people (i.e., the majority of your readers), you can't name one movie in under 30 seconds that uses this line.
What this means is cliché settings and ideas aren't limited to figures of speech. They are in movies and even article topics too. The dozens of "Get Rich Quick," "Lose Belly Fat," "Get Your Ex Back," and "Home Based Business Guide to Financial Freedom" articles that provide the same vague tips over and over in fact are cliché. The settings of these articles may not be considered plagiarized because the words are not identical, nor are the ideas considered derivative because the information is technically original to that author, but these are just technicalities. An unoriginal idea no matter how you dress it is unoriginal - it's cliché. After seeing the same clichés presented again and again in article after article, your reader won't be able to attribute that idea to you or your organization even with more than 30 seconds to think on it.
How to avoid writing ANY cliché.
Be imaginative. Be creative. Be MEMORABLE. Write content that's original, connects with readers, and innovates. We know that it's easy to look at what's currently taking the web by storm and it may seem appealing to replicate it in your own fashion, but you won't be able to rise above the noise by creating or perpetuating a cliché. Stop writing average content and create remarkable content by taking initiative in your niche - have a vision and take a risk by pursuing it.
For more information on this topic, visit: Embrace the Truth: Your Brand Doesn't Really Matter to Readers
Next, practice descriptive writing:
  • Include vivid details that appeal to the readers' senses
  • Create meaningful analogies, similes, and metaphors
  • Use precise language that use specific adjectives, exacting nouns, and strong action verbs
  • Organize your writing to be conducive to the presentation of your original idea
For more information on this topic, visit: Descriptive Writing Examples and Methods to Engage Readers
Finally, when you find yourself using one too many figures of speech, be mindful that you can rewrite the sentence to remove verbiage and appease the cliché critics. For example:
  • "in this day and age" becomes "today"
  • "par for the course" becomes "normal" or "average"
  • "light as a feather" becomes "delicate," "light," or "airy"
Rise above the mediocre noise on the Internet by using these tips to avoid clichés. Not only will your skills as an Expert Author improve, you'll be able to create memorable content that connects with your readers who will engage with and share it.
For more information on authority killers, visit: 20 Embarrassing Authority Killers That Will Make Readers Flee En Masse
Between you, me, and the entire EzineArticles Blog community, we can create a master cliché list here and now. What annoying clichés do you frequently see? Share them in the comments section of this post online - we'd love to hear from you!
Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Looking for great deals on Article Templates? Right now we're giving 20% off on all EzineArticles Article Template Packages in our Shop as part of our extended EzineArticles Cyber Monday sale! Hurry, this sale ends this Friday, December 6th at midnight CST:http://Shop.EzineArticles.com/
EzineArticles Member Endorsement
David Greene"The benefits will be dramatic"EzineArticles has been one of the best Internet marketing decisions I've made over the years. One thing that is important with Internet marketing is to produce content consistently, not once a month. The benefits ... will be dramatic in that regard. The whole process is a marathon, not a sprint!
David Greene

Motivational Tips From A to Z

Article Writing and Motivational Tips From A to ZEzineArticles.com Logo
It's easy to procrastinate ...
In fact, it's so easy to not do things that it's amazing we accomplish anything! BUT WE DO. Whether it's because you fear disappointment and waste or you're absolutely charged and committed to your goals, brush procrastination aside and curb temptation. You know writing can yield a great reward. All you have to do sit down and have the patience to channel your creativity.

Smart Guide to Increasing Twitter

A Smart Guide to Increasing
Twitter Activity
EzineArticles.com Logo
Did you know in 2013, Twitter had roughly 200 million active users who sent over 400 million tweets daily?
If you haven't been keeping up with Twitter, you may be losing an incredible opportunity to let your writing efforts take off. In this quick post, we're going to show you why Twitter should be a part of your efforts AND how you can avoid letting your Twitter account lie fallow.
Why You Should Be Active on Twitter
  • Improves your connection with readers and broadens your network.
  • Amplifies your brand exposure and boosts your social credibility.
  • Increases viral potential without needing a big marketing budget.
  • Helps you stay on top of news in your niche and current events.
  • Completes a social presence when used in conjunction with other social platform leaders.
Activate Your Twitter Presence
If your followers are hearing crickets, then you're not going to achieve the great benefits Twitter provides. You don't have to be on Twitter 24/7, but you do need to have an ongoing presence that isn't broken up by periods of radio silence.
Here are a few tried and true tweet types that you can share on Twitter in a jiffy:
  • Provide instructive and helpful tips that are relevant to your niche and resonate with readers.
  • Link to your original Vines, blog posts, articles, press releases, promotions, contests, and more.
  • Pose questions to all of your followers (even consider targeting a question to a specific follower).
  • Curate content by sharing links to 3rd-party relevant articles, videos, images, and more.
  • Retweet content that is relevant to your audience and your brand.
  • Share the latest apps or tools that you think is useful and a brief snippet why you think it's helpful.
  • Start a conversation by engaging with others by using @replies and mentions.
  • Participate in relevant trending #hashtags by writing a relevant spin on the hashtag to join the discussion.
  • Your behind-the-scenes information and photos (events you're attending, projects you're participating in, etc.)
  • Interesting factoids, quotes, compelling observations, and engaging ideas.
Consistently post a mix of the above tweet types regularly to maintain content diversity and follower interest. You can try any number of services, like Hootsuite, to preschedule content so you don't have to drop what your doing to tweet. However, make sure you get into your Home Twitter feed to see what's on everyone's minds at least once a day.
On Twitter? What tips do you have for balancing content with timeliness? Any particular Twitter do's and don'ts that you would like to share? Click here to share your comments, questions, and suggestions - we'd love to hear from you!
Stop by to follow @EzineArticles, where we share tips, advice, and the latest article writing news daily!
Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: In a writing rut? Don't worry it happens to everyone at some point. Get out of the rut today and start writing killer content with our new Article Templates: http://shop.EzineArticles.com/BuildYourOwnArticleTemplates/
EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kisha N Rivera"EzineArticles is a Great Way to Start Out"I didn't know that writing and submitting an article could be this easy and exciting! EzineArticles really allows a writer to write and share great articles without hesitation. EzineArticles is a great way to start out if you are thinking about article writing. I love my EzineArticles!
Kisha N Rivera

Chaos is a friend of mine - Bob Dylan

Embrace the Chaos and Make Progress With Your Daily GoalsEzineArticles.com Logo
"Chaos is a friend of mine."
- Bob Dylan

Okay, wait just one minute. It's time to hit "pause."
Bad stress and overwhelming situations are not conducive to your productivity - especially when writing is involved. You can either let the chaos of your home and professional life get you down or perhaps even go through great lengths to beat it into submission.
However, there's another alterative that many people overlook: get more out of your day by embracing your inevitable schedule, including taking unexpected interruptions into stride.
These tips can help.
Acknowledge Your Chaos
Break down the chaotic situation by dissecting the reason why it is so hectic. Do any (or all) of these sound familiar?
  1. You're procrastinating.
  2. You're allowing yourself to be distracted.
  3. You're not good at communicating your intentions and goals.
  4. You're not working at a time when you're most productive.
  5. You're fighting it.
Tips to Embrace Your Chaos
Here's how to make progress in your goals despite the chaos:
  1. Procrastination: You've heard the old adage, "Procrastination is the thief of time." Avoid putting things off, especially your writing, or you're never going to get anything done. Create a to-do list daily and then pick 2-3 of the most important things on that list and do them first.
  2. Distractions: Most distractions come from you. If you're perpetuating your own distractions by constantly checking notifications, social media, email, etc. - learn to unplug. Assign yourself times to review and follow up on email. Get into the habit of only checking social media during periods of downtime. Turn on your devices' airplane mode (or turn them off if you can!) to hold calls and notifications to focus on important tasks and improve your productivity.
  3. Communicate: You'd be surprised how supportive your family, coworkers, and peers will be if you simply share your plans and the objective they will achieve. You don't have to go through a terrible amount of detail; merely share why it's important to you, perhaps the purpose it serves, if it benefits them in anyway, and what you need from them (even if it's just to be quiet).
  4. Timing: If you're not exactly mentally charged first thing in the morning or stumble through a post-lunch stupor, then working on a task that requires your focus isn't the best use of your time. Find your energy peaks of the day and capitalize on them by paying attention to the times of the day when you mentally power through challenging (and even unpleasant) tasks. Schedule your day around these peaks, but take care - don't use it as an excuse to procrastinate.
  5. Struggle: Embrace it. Don't ignore what's happening around you. It may be a much bigger or more important situation than you think and you shouldn't miss it. If you're overwhelmed and you feel anxious, angry, frustrated, or completely stressed, then it's time to take a mental break. Meditate or go outside. Pay attention to anything that is not what you're currently working on. Look - really look - and take it in without passing judgment. Just observe. This will help you realign your thinking (and attitude) as well as refresh your perspective.
Unless you live under a rock, you're likely to always have a little chaos in your life, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Adapt to the chaos and learn be flexible using these tips.
What tips do you have to live with chaos? Do you thrive on chaos? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!
Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Like this article? Write your very own using the Embrace the Chaos Article Template from the NEW Managing Your Business And Yourself Article Template Package! Get this and more exposure-boosting Article Templates from the Shop: http://Shop.EzineArticles.com/BuildYourOwnArticleTemplates/
EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Francesca Salerno"I'm delighted with EzineArticles."I love writing my restaurant reviews and other articles without having to keep them in a drawer or go through the hugely complex process of submitting them to newspapers and magazines. I don't have the time for that.
By posting at EzineArticles.com, my material, which I edit very, very carefully, and which also gets checked out by EzineArticles' very competent editorial staff, is IMMEDIATELY out there in cyberspace, available to an audience around the globe who regularly goes to EzineArticles.com to find material for their web pages and magazines.
I'm delighted with EzineArticles. It is beautifully run and easy to use.
Francesca Salerno

Writing Ideas and Topics You Need

THE LIST: 30 Great Article Writing Ideas and Topics You NeedEzineArticles.com Logo
Open in Case of Writing Emergency!
You're staring at a blank screen. You type a sentence and then delete it. Unsure how to begin or what to write, you remember: THE LIST.
This list (that future you is now recalling) features great writing ideas grouped by popular article topics to give your next writing session (and all future writing sessions) a running start!
From showing off your great management skills to creating a compelling connection with readers, check out each of these writing ideas to inform readers and leverage your authority as a leader in your niche.
Better Personal and Professional Management
  1. Prioritization Hacks: Help your readers hack their day! Provide a list of top priority, moderate priority and low priority things to help your readers find balance in their hectic lives.
  2. Effective Communication: The largest flaw for most businesses and relationships is ineffective communication. Present a list of common communication downfalls and solutions to overcome those hurdles.
  3. Calculated Risk: No growth is ever made without risk. Provide examples of areas your readers should take more risk and then also provide examples where they should rein in risk that is a bigger threat.
  4. Smarter Shortcuts: Ever take a shortcut that actually ended up costing you? Were there red flags? What lesson did you learn? In hindsight, what was the reliable solution in the long run? Let your readers know.
  5. Wake-up Call: We've all been disillusioned at one time or another. Describe a time when you thought all was going well and then explain the moment when it came to a screeching halt as well as what was the wake-up call.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Managing Your Business and Yourself Article Template Package.
A Growing Business
  1. Blogging: Share the benefits of blogging and why it's effective in your niche. Give your readers some basic how-to steps to get started and some final tips about blogging in your particular niche.
  2. Why Write: Show the value of writing and how it can be truly more effective than other mediums. Share what you think written information will be like in the future and provide resources to help new writers.
  3. Etiquette: Every niche has its own rules of etiquette. List examples of rude behavior in your niche and then ways being respectful with good manners will often help you get ahead.
  4. Help Say Thanks: Share a time when you communicated gratitude effectively (or not so effectively). Provide a list of ways your readers can thank others and then show your readers how they can benefit from being appreciative.
  5. Good Service: Show the state of customer service in your niche and explain why good customer service is important. List 5 steps to achieve customer satisfaction.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Executing and Growing Article Template Package.
Technology and Today
  1. The Rule Book: Setting out on a new venture is always exciting, but there are a few rules that many newbies are blindsided by when getting started. Provide a list of rules and actionable steps to navigate through regulations.
  2. Tech-Driven World: Devices, apps, and more technology are constantly being developed in every niche. Show your readers the must haves, the wants, and even the retired technology to help them stay up-to-date.
  3. Trade Book Review: Review a book, website, blog, magazine, or other resource. Describe the effect it had on you and your niche.
  4. On-the-Go Mobile: Show readers how mobile devices help people work faster and smarter in your niche and then list 3 ways people can take advantage of mobile phones to maximize their mobile exposure.
  5. Social Media Tips: Show readers how to dismiss fears of social media, create compelling content, and promote themselves in an acceptable manner.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Wired Business Owner Article Template Package.
Comparisons and Lists
  1. 20/20 Hindsight: Take a walk backwards in time. Pick a topic and begin at the final scene and then jump to the beginning to show how you arrived to the final scene.
  2. Only the Best: Explain the process you use when determining whether a product or service in your niche is great. List questions that you use to appraise the value and any consequences should you not follow it.
  3. Niche Oddities: Every niche has a secret or something entirely unusual. Share that creepy element or strange concept with readers by providing background information on it.
  4. Top 10: Pick a theme and introduce your list, such as a product, solution, or trait. Countdown each item from the least important to greatest importance to snowball each of your bullet points to build momentum.
  5. Change vs. Tradition: Share how things have changed and what hasn't changed in your niche. Identify the change (gradual or instant) as well as show what traditions have continued and why.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Comparisons and Lists Article Template Package.
Spread the Word
  1. Reputation Management: Provide a list of steps readers can take to build their reputation. Also, list helpful resources that will help them achieve success.
  2. Product Reach: Help your readers create a product release strategy. Provide a list of resources and elements they need to include in their strategy to make it strong.
  3. Compel With Humor: Humor often breaks barriers. Share a funny story from your own experience in your niche. What was the lesson or moral of the story? Remind readers how to see the humorous side of things.
  4. Make it Enticing: List methods that you employ to make people crave what you have. Next, list failures when it comes to marketing and how they fail to entice the audience.
  5. Breaking Barriers: Share a barrier (actual or perceived) that blocks your readers. Identify what is the actual cause of the problem and then give tips to overcome the issue as well as to prevent it.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Spread the Word Article Template Package.
Appeal to Emotions
  1. Happy Accident: We all have encountered an event at one time or another that has led to a fortuitous result. Tell a detailed story about a serendipitous event and how it served as a lesson or provided great meaning for you.
  2. Shame: Share a time when you made a huge mistake. Provide a tip to avoid making the same mistake. Give additional tips that show the reader how to handle it if they encounter an embarrassing situation.
  3. Miracles Happen: Share a story of a small miracle. Help open your reader's eyes by showing readers ways that they too can recognize miracles in their life and tools to help change their perspective.
  4. Law of Attraction: Discuss a time you decided to use visualization to get something you wanted and the outcome. Give tips to help people use the law of attraction in their own lives.
  5. Surprise: Set the scene for a shocking story. Tell the story while building suspense and then when the tension is too much to bear, unleash the big surprise. Finally, give your readers the valuable lesson.
Get these templates and 10 more in the Emotional Appeal Article Package.
Want more article writing ideas? Check out all 9 Build Your Own Article Template Packages, which contain a set of 15 interactive article templates on PDF. Designed to make it faster and easier than ever to write high-quality original articles, these Article Templates will help you build your brand, increase your exposure, and add to your credibility and authority as an Expert Author.
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Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

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EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen"I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them."I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'
Christine Larsen