Rabu, 23 April 2014

Mindful Eating

gusti arya,

Guess what?  It’s video #5, Mindful Eating,  and I know you are going to like this one because it involves sensual eating.

Yes, eating is a SENSUAL experience when you stop and focus and bring your attention to your sense of taste.

Imagine that every time you eat you could be having a sensual experience; connecting to your body and turning on your senses.  OOH LA LA, Baby!

I love to close my eyes when I’m eating because it helps me focus on what’s in my mouth.  I slow down my chewing to allow myself to notice the different elements of the food.  Is it salty, sweet, or acidic?  Is it smooth and velvety or chewy?  What kinds of spices are in it; can I discern each one?

When you do this it’s a totally different experience than eating without consciousness.

Try this -  put together a plate of your favorite foods. Make this the only activity you are engaging in and set aside about an hour for it. I recommend a variety of tastes and textures.  What did you notice that you hadn’t before?  What emotions did each food evoke?  Pay a lot of attention to this as certain foods definitely make you feel sexy and turned on.

One more to go!  I’ll see you in a couple of days.



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