Rabu, 23 April 2014

Sensual Scents and Aromas

Hi gusti arya,

You are more than half way through 6 Simple Strategies For a Sexy State of Mind.  What do think so far?  Have I ignited a spark in you?

I truly hope so for this is just the very beginning of your journey.  When you work with me we go deep and do some heavy excavation so that you can walk your walk with  CONFIDENCE, PASSION and JOY!

In this video #4, Sensual Scents and Aromas,  you will delve into your sense of smell and discover how important it is in regulating your mood. Did you know that they use aromatherapy in hospitals to treat stress and anxiety?  I’d say that’s proof  it works.

What’s you favorite scent or aroma?   My favorite essential oils are Lavender and Patchouli.  I love the floral notes in the Lavender and the earthy herbaceous ones in Patchouli.  I also love the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven.  Even  now, just thinking about it, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.  I remember loving the way the hallway leading up to my grandmother’s apartment would smell when she was cooking chicken soup.  Even today when I smell someone cooking chicken it brings me back to my childhood and that loving, nurturing feeling.

What aromas or scents create a warm, delicious, loving feeling in you?  Explore and experiment and have FUN discovering which scents and aromas spark your DESIRE!

Share them with me!  I’d love to know.   susan@susanleemiller.com



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