Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

don’t leave before savasana

don’t leave before savasana

this articles from Susan
Women Yogi
I’ve recently come back to my yoga mat, that 11- year -old purple mat I first started practicing yoga on. It’s a bit worn and a little too narrow, but I feel an attachment to it.   We have gone through a lot of life sh*t together.

My break from yoga happened about 5 years ago when I let a former boyfriend – yes I know what you are thinking – convince me that yoga was not going to give me that rock hard body he so admired. I spent 3 years working out at the gym with the sole purpose of building a hard body.  I think the gym is a great place if your head is in the right space, that is, working out to strengthen the body as well as the mind and spirit.   When you are simply there to get a 6 pack or bulging biceps I think the point is totally missed regarding a healthy relationship with your body, something women struggle with incessantly.
I consider my return to yoga a divine order.  My SPIRIT had gone astray and it so needed aid.  I was guided to this cute little yoga barn with the most gorgeous blue walls that instantly made me feel calm and happy.  I could feel the love the minute I walked into the space with my yoga mat tucked under my arm.
It’s not uncommon for some people to leave before Savasana or corpse pose, the part that comes at the very end of your practice. It’s what the practice is all about. You stretch, strengthen, and breath until the very end when you lay down and let it all integrate. Savasana rejuvenates, heals, and connects you with your life force energy.  It transforms as it brings you into the present moment. This is when you can just “be” and sink into your awareness. For me at times this posture is the most challenging because I need to stop the endless chattering of my mind and let go and relax.
Savasana takes anywhere from 5 to 7 minutes.  Many say they just can’t stay still and others are rushing to their next appointment or thing to do.
I want to shout, “COME BACK, Savasana is the gem! You are missing the entire reason you dragged your butt to this class.” It’s not for a sculpted body or to hold yourself in a handstand for 5 minutes.  It’s to let your body, your mind, your heart and your spirit come together in union, the literal meaning of Yoga, where fear drops away and you are one with the universe.
With busy lives, overflowing to do lists, and stress this is often the one time we get to be peaceful.
Savasana is not easy. It’s challenging to lay still and silence your thoughts. It may be for this reason that many people skip out. I believe it has a lot to do with our constant feeling that we need to achieve, to do, and to perform.  We are onto the next act, task, and job without even considering what we just did or left behind.
When you make a commitment to let your whole self go to this place of rest,  into this part of your practice, and place as much importance on it as all the other postures, you’re valuing peace, harmony, and surrender.
Most of all, you are valuing YOURSELF. 

Source: http://susanleemiller.com/dont-leave-before-savasana/

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