Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Celebrate Your Birthday

8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday

Looking for some unique ways to celebrate your birthday? Read on because I’ve got some of the best birthday celebration ideas. If you often find yourself at an average, boring party or you just wait for your family and friends to organize your birthday party and bring you a birthday cake, stop doing it. You should learn to take charge of your birthday and celebrate it the way you want to. Without further ado, here are a few ideas to celebrate your birthday this year.

1. Have a picnic

Just because you are on a tight budget doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate your birthday this year. Plan a picnic and ask your family members and friends to each bring one drink or dish. You will have a wonderful mix of beverages and snacks, and you will have an opportunity to play sports outside. You can also have a barbecue, if you want something warmer to munch on.

2. Take a trip

If you don’t like birthday parties or you are single, taking a trip is a perfect way to celebrate your birthday. Just pack your bags and escape to one of your favorite destinations. It’s a lot of fun to celebrate your birthday somewhere else. If you don’t feel like traveling alone, you can take your sibling or friend.

3. Karaoke

Are you planning to throw a birthday party? Don’t forget to add a karaoke element to your celebration to make your party more unique. After several glasses of wine, karaoke will be a wonderful activity that your guests will remember for years to come. Have a mix of old songs and new ones so that everyone can choose their favorite song.

4. Have a birthday brunch

If the picnics and parties are not for you, consider organizing a birthday brunch. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on it, don’t worry. You can have a birthday brunch in your own home or at your favorite, budget-friendly brunch spot in town. Go shopping yourself or ask your guests to bring something.

5. Plan a game night

As we are getting older, we think that our birthdays must be more modest and mature. But I think there’s nothing wrong with feeling young again when you celebrate your 30th or 40th birthday. Plan a game night with your family and friends and play your favorite video games the whole evening or night. It’s silly and fun and you’ll remember this birthday forever. Consider making some snacks and don’t forget about drinks.

6. Shopping and eating out

Going shopping on your birthday with your mom or a friend, or simply alone is a great idea too. After all, it is your birthday, and it’s absolutely okay to buy yourself gifts. Stop over at one of your favorite restaurants to eat some delicious cake and enjoy your birthday.

7. Cooking workshops

Are you into cooking? Cooking workshops with a small group of people is always a lot of fun. You can choose a chocolate workshop or a cupcake workshop, or any other workshop you want. It’s fun to make something unique on your birthday. This idea is also great for those who want to learn to cook.

8. Family dinner

If you have kids, I suggest you to celebrate your birthday with your family. Celebrating with kids is always lots of fun. Choose activities that you, your husband and your little ones think are fun and enjoy playing together the whole day and evening. You can even cook something together for your family dinner.
It’s always useful to know unique birthday celebration ideas, because sometimes birthdays become boring and you don’t have a lot of fun. This year, try something new, even if you are on a tight budget. Your birthday should be unique and should bring lots of joy. How are you going to celebrate your birthday?

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