Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Manifesting Secrets

Amazing Manifesting Secrets

Manifesting is fun, and it’s easy.
You do it all the time, and you’re a genuine pro at it.
shutterstock_84478594I know, I know, I see the eye roll! You’re not manifesting everything you want, right? You’re about to learn the secret that will transform you into a conscious creator instead of an accidental creator.
James Allen said, in 1902, some words that have actually been circulating among the human race for as long as we’ve been around: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” It echoes the words written in the Bible and many other spiritual texts – what you think and FEEL about, is what you become.

The problem is, most of us are largely unaware of our creative power. We think that our lives are simply in reaction to what’s going on around us, but we fail to appreciate that we play a large part in our circumstances.

You may think that you are limited by your circumstances – education level, job opportunities, being in the right place at the wrong time, etc. but the truth is, when you look at your life as a series of choices, you see that you have been manifesting exactly what you thought about. Or more accurately, what you “felt” about.

Unconscious vs. Conscious Manifesting
Here’s an example of unconscious manifesting. In this case, a young man wants to have lots of friends. He is very shy, and because of his shyness, he has trouble making friends. He’s a nice guy and deserves to have great friendships. He imagines himself being surrounded by friends, but then allows the feelings of fear to build through negative self-talk. What if nobody wants me around? What if they don’t like me? To soothe himself anytime he feels rejected or to avoid that awful feeling, he starts telling himself that he’s better off alone – that he doesn’t need anybody, that he likes solitude and that he is happy doing things on his own. Over and over he tells himself this story until he believes it. Unconsciously, his actions start to mirror his story and reinforce it: he avoids social interaction even more (afraid of rejection, he feels more comfortable keeping people away); and because of his unconscious desire to live out his self-story, he ends up very lonely.
That’s a shocker, isn’t it? This young man actually manifested loneliness, when in reality he wanted to belong and feel loved. He unconsciously manifested what he wanted to get away from because his self-talk had created feelings that led to behavior that ensured his loneliness.

shutterstock_191280404Here’s an example of conscious manifesting: a middle-aged woman has had her heart set on becoming an architect. She had been discouraged from going to architecture school, first by her parents who believed a woman’s place is in the home; and later, by her own choice to be a stay-at-home mom. She shelved her dream, but thought about it constantly. Each time she thought about being an architect, she felt happy and fulfilled. Finally, the urge to follow her heart became intensely strong. She began to think, breathe and talk architecture. Over and over she thought and talked about herself as an architect. She immersed herself in studying architecture books and with each page, her passion and happiness grew. Though terrified at losing it all, she gambled on her dream. She used her savings to purchase an older home that needed renovation. She completely redesigned and remodeled it, sold it at a profit and “flipped” another house. With this profit, she enrolled in architecture school. Working full time and going to school is not easy, but she would not be deterred and soon got her degree and found a job as an architect.
This woman consciously manifested her dream.

The difference? The young man’s self-talk created feelings that caused him to behave in self-defeating ways; the woman’s self-talk created feelings that caused her to behave in empowering ways.

Your story – “as you think in your heart” – is what you will manifest. So let’s talk about how to manifest anything: a situation, something material, a relationship… whatever you want.
The secret to manifesting is FEELINGS. You do not manifest what you desire by what you think, but by what you feel. That might seem contradictory to what you just read, but bear with me.

Your heart does not think in words. The heart thinks – yes, the heart thinks, in feelings (otherwise we would not feel the lightness and elation of new love, or that awful constriction and physical pain of heartache after a relationship ends). Emotions are what drive actions, and actions will help things manifest. But it all starts with the initial idea of something. Then, the feelings around it grow.
So once you have an idea of what you want, what does your self-talk “do” about it? In the young man’s case, his self-talk sabotaged his desire by creating disempowering feelings. In the woman’s case, it supported her desire by creating empowering feelings.

The secret is to infuse positive self-talk with positive feelings. Important: talk to yourself about the FEELINGS you have when you think about your desire.
  • “I love the feelings I have when I think about living on the Pacific coast…” (elaborate on your vision!)
  • “I love how I feel when I imagine running an animal sanctuary…” (elaborate on your vision!)
  • “I feel happy when I think about having (the new toy you want).”
This way, you imprint the idea of what you want into your subconscious and at the same time, bypass the conditioned self-stories like “I can’t have that” or “I’m not worthy.” (The woman in the example could have said, “I shouldn’t be an architect, it’s not right for a woman to work in a male-dominated industry.” But she didn’t. She focused on the feelings she got by even thinking about her dream.
And, by focusing on the feelings you get when you imagine your desire, you don’t run into “reality vs. imagination” resistance (“but look, you don’t have this!”) and the bummer feelings that come with not having what you desire. Then you can go about enjoying your life, being happy with what you have, and in the process take the steps necessary to bring your desire into your life.
The real manifesting secret is to use feelings and self-talk about feeling  s to imprint the possibility of you having what you want into your subconscious; and immediately take inspired action on any guidance you receive.

Source: http://www.silvamethodlife.com/amazing-manifesting-secrets/

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