Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Achieve Inner Balance

Achieve Inner Balance In Three Easy Steps

Inner balance is something we all need, if we are to ride the emotional waves of life’s little tempests and larger, wilder storms.  Just as ballast helps a boat to stay afloat, inner balance can help us to weather anything life brings.

inner balance
Why We Need To Achieve Inner Balance
Sometimes, especially during times of inner turmoil that results from the loss of a loved one or the breakup of a relationship, or during times when nothing seems to be going the way we would like it to, it can seem as though achieving inner balance is completely impossible.  Conflicts of all kinds seem to arise without warning, and it might seem tempting to simply throw in the towel and give up on ever achieving the kind of personal growth many of us long for.
A lack of inner balance can keep us from focusing on the good things that life has to offer.  The fact is, opportunities for growth are everywhere – you can always improve your financial outlook, your love life, and your spiritual knowledge if only you can find a way to focus.   When you’re off kilter,  things just don’t seem to click.  Negativity can take root and erode the foundations we’ve already worked so hard to build for ourselves.  We need inner balance to become the people we were born to be!
Despite the worries and distractions that can prevent us from  easily and quickly accessing our higher selves, achieving inner balance is possible – and it is easier than you may think.  Here are three simple steps for gaining better control over your own destiny.

Step One:  Make Choices With Your Goals in Mind
When you make choices about how to spend your time, who to spend that time with, and where to spend it, keep your ultimate goals in mind.  This can help you avoid situations that will hinder your progress.   Instead of spending time watching mindless television programs or reading the latest gossip online, tune in to that higher frequency that is available at any time, and from anywhere.  Focus on a sense of inner peace and balance.
balance your inner self
The fact is, each and every choice you make can have an effect on your sense of balance.  The foods you eat, and the way you eat them can affect you.  For example, imagine that you feel tired and overwhelmed, so you go to a fast food place and order a big meal that includes lots of heavy, fatty foods that you know you shouldn’t eat.  You feel guilty so you bolt it down quickly, before you get home.

Next, picture yourself feeling tired, but going home and sitting down to a simple meal of salad, whole grain bread, and quick healthy protein, like some salmon you broiled in the oven quickly – and maybe a nice glass of wine.   You eat this meal in the company of someone you enjoy – maybe it’s your spouse, maybe you’re with your whole family.  Maybe you like to eat alone and you spend the meal focusing on the nutrients entering your body and bringing healthy life to your cells.
Which of the two scenarios involving a meal choice would help you achieve better inner balance and a sense of well being?  Which of those meals would the person you want to become choose?   As you make decisions of all types, go through scenarios involving various decisions and choices.  Making the decisions that are best for you will help you grow – and your higher being does know which choices are best!  Trust your intuition!

Check out this awesome video of Laura Silva telling how to achieve inner balance

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Step Two: Simplify Your Life
Rather than spending time and money collecting the latest, greatest gadgets, work on simplifying your life. What would your life be like if you had fewer commitments, or less clutter?   Would you enjoy your relationships more?  You might have the time to travel to places you have always dreamed of, and you might be able to save enough money to retire at a younger age.  When you simplify, there is less to worry about.  Inner balance is easier to achieve when there are less things to trip on.
When you reduce the number of commitments you have, you simplify your life even more.  Instead of saying “yes” to everything, out of a fear that others will not respect you, learn to say “no” to the things you do not need or want to do.  You’ll have more time for the people and things in your life that matter most, and you’ll find that you feel more at peace at the end of each day.
Step Three: Control Your Thoughts – Control Your Destiny
control your thoughts
You might think that your thoughts are impossible to control – but once you begin a practice of reining in a wandering mind, you’ll find that focusing and choosing what to think about is a whole lot easier.
Your thoughts are a powerful tool that allows you to access the Divine within yourself.  When you think positive, loving thoughts, you experience a shift in your energy – and you gain inner balance along the way.  Believe it or not, thoughts can become actual things.  They can be manifest in your mental or physical health, and they can change the way you see the world, as well as the way in which the world sees you.  Controlling your thoughts can feel difficult at first – but when you make the effort to focus and really pay attention to that internal barometer, the rewards are amazing.
One of the best ways to control your thoughts and help bring about a better sense of inner balance, is to try to remain aware of your thoughts throughout each day.  There are certain times when a wandering mind can be beneficial – for instance, if you tend to have wonderfully inspired thoughts as you are showering or while you are exercising.  Harness those positive thoughts and learn to focus, so you can reap the rewards they offer!  On the other hand, when you catch yourself having negative thoughts, replace them with positive thoughts and images instead.
When you make the decision to improve your inner balance, you also make the choice to improve your life overall.  By following these three simple steps, you can transform yourself into the well-balanced person you really want to be.


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