Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Power of Touch

gusti arya,

Congratulations!  You’ve done it!  This is the last video in 6 Simple Strategies For a Sexy State of Mind.

It’s my favorite one, the Power of Touch!

Touch is a very profound way to connect with your body.  So often, you disconnect from your body for various reasons; stress, trauma, illness, culture, lack of time – a way of protecting yourself and your emotions.

You might have a lifestyle that’s so jammed packed with responsibilities that you rarely make time to focus your attention on your body and what feels good!

You can often miss the messages your body is giving you.

I’m talking about the message of PLEASURE!  This is something you might push aside for as a woman you are naturally a nurturer and giver.

I’m here to tell you that it’s your birthright to seek PLEASURE and this is the beginning.

I recommend some self massage as a way of discovering what areas are sensitive, what areas are holding stress, and for coming home to your body. Again, focus on awareness and what FEELS wonderful, warm and yummy. What areas of your body are unexpectedly sensitive to touch?  Describe how it feels to nurture yourself?

I hope that you’ve enjoyed these videos and gleaned some tips on creating your SEXY STATE of MIND.

There is soooo much more I’m dying to share with you. I can hardly contain myself.

Head on over to and apply for your NO COST Discover Your Inner Sexy session with me.

I’m looking forward to sharing this journey of self discovery with you!

Say YES to feeling  SEXY, VIBRANT, and JUICY and being ready to live a sensual life.



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