Kamis, 03 April 2014

Discover Your Inner Soul

6 Essential Tips To Discover Your Inner Soul And Live Better!

yourselfHave you ever realized your sense of being? It is that feeling when you ask yourself “who am I?” Discovering yourself is the first step toward living a better, successful life.
When you are unfamiliar with certain shades of your personality, you suffer from an “awareness crisis.” It is like living a life that lacks purpose. Life becomes a complex labyrinth of internal conflicts and contradictions when you are not aware of your true being. Truly successful people have a sense of their inner soul and, therefore, they make the right choices in life.
Travelling is just another way you can explore your inner side. Sometimes, people pursue travelling as a source to get away from their outer voices and focus on their inner being. However, travelling is not the only option for self-exploration. You can find your true being without going through the inconvenience of travelling abroad. Besides, it is a costly affair that requires a huge amount of money. But, why spend your hard-earned bucks on a foreign trip when you can explore yourself at the comfort of your own place? All you need is to follow these handy guidelines.

1. Do some introspection.

Introspection is perhaps the best way you can search your soul. It opens windows to your thoughts and the perspectives through which you see the various aspects of life. It is a kind of self-reflection which gives you access into your internal world. How do you perceive life? How do you see the world? Who you are? And why you are the way you are? Answering these types of questions will provide you with an understanding of your nature and the way you see the world.

2. Perform a self-analysis.

Get deeper into your inner soul and drill down the things that matter in your life. In simpler words, you need to perform a reality check of your life. It is a kind of mind mapping where you will be listing the things that inspire you, frustrate you, and make you happy or angry. Mind mapping is like designing a logo where you will be composing different elements to form a complete visual identity. But in this case, it is you who will be the subject. An honest analysis of yourself will reflect your temperament and allow you to understand the things that affect your mood.

3. Take a look at your past.

We become what we experience in life. To make an attempt at self-discovery, you should see your past in the hindsight. Start from your childhood as it is the stage of life when we begin to form our opinions of the world and people. Analyze the events of your childhood through the eyes of an adult. Make a list of events that changed your life and shaped your ideas and beliefs in a certain way.

4. Get focused in life.

Discovering yourself is work itself. So, you have to have genuine dedication to successfully achieve it. Sometimes, the pressure and hassles of life tend to overwhelm our feelings and make us lose track of our lives. You cannot think clearly because you are suffering from financial troubles. You cannot focus on your work because you are having domestic issues. Similarly, you cannot explore yourself well enough if your mind is preoccupied with intrusive thoughts. Take a break from your work, disengage yourself from external affairs and then use this time to do self-reflections.

5. Explore things that excite you.

Make a list of all the things that give you pleasure and motivate you in life. What are they? How do they relate to you? How do they make you happy? Answering these questions will give you an idea of the type of person you are and the things that influence you on emotional level.

6. Take help from a confidant.

Our best friends are perhaps the greatest resource in our self-exploration. As they know us on a personal level, they identify us as a person better than anyone else. Meet with your best friends and ask for their opinions about you. Analyze their comments and try to find common elements that define you as a person. Ask questions about all the good, bad and unique things in your personality.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/6-essential-tips-discover-your-inner-soul-and-live-better.html

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