Kamis, 03 April 2014

10 Reasons Why Adults Who Play Video Games Are Happier

10 Reasons Why Adults Who Play Video Games Are Happier

Recent studies have shown that adults who play video games have higher levels of happiness, and in some cases relaxation, as a result of their gaming.

In addition to the scientific backing behind video games and happiness, here are 10 reasons why it makes sense that adults who play video games are happier than adults who don’t.

1. They’re more connected to their inner child.

Few adults really get to do anything playful after work and family life set in, which makes it pretty understandable as to why so many American adults are depressed and bored with life.
Unlike adults who don’t play video games, however, gaming adults have a daily chance to engage in playful behavior, similarly to how many of us used to play when we were younger. This stronger connection to your inner child can help you be happier and enjoy life more fully.

2. They have an easy escape from the stress of life.

escape from stress
As we get older, we’re continually faced with more pressures in life. We now have student loans to pay back, jobs to succeed in and bills to pay for. I don’t know about you, I often feel like all of this adult stuff is kind of overrated.
Playing video games is a great way to de-stress from the demands of everyday life and do something that you enjoy just for the sake of enjoying it.

3. They are exposed to greater creativity and imagination.

Anyone who has played any video game can attest to the fact that you’re exposed to greater creativity when gaming.
Whether it’s a realistic video game like Call of Duty or a highly imaginative video game like World of Warcraft, using your imagination to put yourself in the mindset of your character and their world is a highly stimulating, creative exercise for your brain.

4. They immediately have something to bond over with other people .

bond with others
Have you ever been at a party and had nothing in common with the people around you? Well, that’s just one more negative thing solved by video gaming.
More than 50% of the U.S. adult population plays video games, and 81% of adults between 18 and 29 are gamers. Statistically speaking, at least one of those gamers has to be at the same party as you. When you find him or her, you’ll immediately have something in common.

5. They have a more balanced life perspective.

Another reason adults who game are happier is because they have a more balanced perspective on life.
Rather than being totally consumed by work and bills, they can devote part of their time to their grown-up duties and part of their time to gaming for fun!

6. They have better hand-eye coordination.

hand eye coordination
It’s been scientifically proven that people who play video games have better spatial coordination and fine motor skills than those who don’t. Not only will this make you more coordinated in your everyday life, but it could also help you be a better driver, keep your eyesight from failing and make you more intelligent.

7. They can include their spouse/friends in their “me” time.

If your spouse or best friend is one of those “I need my me time by myself” kinds of people, then you might be familiar with the feeling of boredom or loneliness that can accompany being left behind.
If, however, you spouse’s or friend’s “me” time takes place on an Xbox or PS4, then you can participate in their de-stressing time, too! (Or at the very least watch.) This can help strengthen your relationships while still allowing those close to you to engage in the activities they enjoy.

8. They always have something to look forward to.

Another way that gaming can make adults happier is by always giving them something to look forward to.
Whether it’s wanting to make it to a new level in the latestSuper Mario or anticipating the release of the next generation of consoles, gamers always have something to look forward to and rave about. This makes life more interesting and exciting, even if it’s in a small way.

9. They can turn exercise into a game.

game exercise
Going to the gym is great, but it can get a little monotonous after a while. With the advent of so many movement-oriented gaming devices like the Wii and the Kinnect, gamers now have the option to stay fit and healthy while playing a mentally stimulating video game.
And if you don’t think video games are enough to count as a workout, try playing Fruit Ninja without breaking a sweat.

10. They can turn boring situations into fun ones.

playing DS
Lastly, adults who play video games are happier because they view every waiting room and checkout line as a chance to level up.
I never mind sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office as long as I have my DS with me, and I know plenty of adults who feel the same. Rather than being irritated and frustrated that your appointment is taking longer than expected, you can enjoy the extra playing time and move on with your day.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-reasons-why-adults-who-play-video-games-are-happier.html

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