Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Tripping Through the Twilight Zone

Tripping Through the Twilight Zone

twilight+zone.jpgThe following is an extract from an article on the Silva Method program in the Washington Post titled “Tripping Through the Twilight Zone”. The correspondent describes his experiences with ESP in the Silva Method class:

“But diagnosing people I knew amazed me less than my own diagnosing of others. In the case of a 94 year old man, I saw his eyes beside his head and said that meant he was losing his eyesight (he had glaucoma). I found myself literally asking him if anything else was wrong. I can’t explain it, but I actually thought I heard him say, “I can’t eat.” His grandson, who had given me the case, said the old man was constantly losing his false teeth and complaining about what he had to eat when he didn’t have them. Neither problem, to be sure, would be an unlikely occurrence.

What surprised me more was my strong (and correct) feeling that he was otherwise in excellent health, free of heart trouble, arthritis, circulatory ailments, intestinal problems or motor difficulties. I missed that he was senile. During the case of a boy with speech defects caused by brain damage, my tongue lolled in my mouth, my right eye twitched — the subject’s exact symptoms.
silva method espA hysterectomy appeared to me as an abdominal tube with a ribbon bow on it. A couple of times I could accurately describe the people involved, including acne scars and age blotches; a cigar smoker appeared puffing on one. I wonder if any of the “help” sent was received. And I find the thought that I am wondering it, when before I would have rejected the possibility out of hand, amazing.
What does it all mean to me now, two weeks later?
I haven’t taken an aspirin and my weight is now under 175 lbs. for the first time in four years. I think I’m sleeping better. But no miracles. I’ve had only marginal success with a technique touted by some graduates for turning traffic lights green and finding parking places… … When a former classmate called and asked if I’d be interested in following up on my mind control by joining a “graduate group,” I said I would.”
~ David R. Boldt, Washington Post Staff Writer from Beltsville

Source: http://www.silvalifesystem.com/blog/silva-method-esp/

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