Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

How to Develop A Positive Attitude

How to Develop A Positive Attitude To Change Your Life

They say attitude is everything… and they’re right.
Changing your life by having a positive attitude is not some la-la “‘I’m in denial about reality” nonsense. It’s the act of choosing to view the world in a pro-active rather than a re-active way.

Re-Active Negative Attitude

Woman who does not have a positive attitudeRe-active people float along on the river of life, and they allow the current to take them wherever it feels like taking them.
  • “The world happens to them.” Something happens, and they react.
  • They have a negative outlook of pessimism, fearing a hard future.
  • They believe their lives and their futures are at the mercy of the economy, their job, their family, background and education.
  • They believe the future will be just as hard as the past.
  • They see life as a series of struggles and hardships
  • Many end up in a state of learned helplessness because they believe that no matter how hard they try, it just doesn’t matter. They believe their destiny is set in stone.
  • They are unconsciously plugged in to the “system” that’s all about conformity: get a job, buy a house, save a few pennies, rack up debt and spend a lifetime paying it off.
  • They are generally unhappy. They live for the weekend and take every opportunity they can to escape from reality. They have moments of happiness, but their lives are a series of complaints, blame, regrets and squashed dreams.
  • These people are surviving.

Pro-Active Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is the attitude of creationPro-active people are the creators, and you will wish everyone could be like this. Pro-active people also float down the river of life. However, they have something the re-active people don’t: a paddle.
  • “They happen to the world.” They make things happen.
  • Their outlook is positive and based on possibility and potential.
  • They can choose to paddle upstream if that’s where their dreams lie.
  • They can paddle from shore to shore and bypass the rocks in the current. They don’t allow things to bother them.
  • Their lives are deliberately designed, in a spirit of joy and passion.
  • They create their future not based on their past. Look at the many people who have risen above abject poverty to become multi-millionaires. They didn’t have the advantage of family money or even a good education. Yet somehow, their passion drove them and they believed in their dreams – and armed with a positive attitude and a lot of determination, they succeeded.
  • They don’t always follow trends, and they don’t always conform to society’s ideals.
  • They are happy, fulfilled, and their days are exciting. They don’t know the meaning of boredom. Their dreams are alive and well.
  • These people are thriving.
Truthfully, most of us are somewhere in the middle. But our attitudes are also predominantly positive, or predominantly negative. And this affects our life experience. A positive attitude inspires confidence, not only in you but in the people who are helping you.
So what has a positive attitude got to do with anything? Think about it – would you rather hang out with someone who is all doom-and-gloom, or someone who inspires you with their enthusiasm? Upbeat, positive, enthusiastic people generally get what they want out of life because people naturally gravitate toward them; and since we humans are a social bunch and our goals depend in one way or another on others, we need to attract the kinds of people who will help us with our dreams.
A positive attitude inspires belief that the desired outcome is not only possible but totally achievable.
Your life is what you make it, and if you choose to have a negative experience, then that’s what you’ll get. But since having a positive attitude is a choice, why choose otherwise?
Learn More about spiritual Awakening with the Silva Method
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  You can become more positive by meditating: the slower, calmer brain activity of meditation de-stresses you. This state of brain activity is called the alpha state. The Silva Method teaches you to enter the alpha state anytime you desire during your active, waking hours. This allows you to see the world from a stress-free perspective and opens you up to more creative thinking that is not bound by your past conditioning or by perceived limitations. You can even reprogram yourself to change your attitude! When you do this, you open up a world of possibility. You’ll be much happier seeing the world in terms of possibility than in terms of limitations! A lot of the negativity that people feel is based on their past conditioning. If they’ve grown up with statements like, “money doesn’t grow on trees, we can’t afford that!” or “trying to be smarter than your old man, are you?” or “you should do something sensible with your life and not go off into the jungle to study bugs” – how do you think this conditioning will influence your view of the world? You’ll see it as a place where the things you want are hard to come by; that you should conform and not try to be the best you can be; and that you should not make waves but settle down, get a job and be a good citizen.
But the dreams that lie within are still there, desperately wanting to be realized…
You can rise above the negativity you may have grown up with, negativity that is based on fear, struggle, hardship, lack and strict limits on what you can and should do with your life. A positive attitude will help you see that the world isn’t this way at all – if you choose to make it so, your world can be one of joy, passion, abundance, and no limits at all.
It’s all in the attitude, and your attitude determines the quality of your life experience!
So choose to be positive. Monitor your feelings and thoughts, and gradually replace the negativity with positive feelings and thoughts until this becomes your normal state of being. And then watch the results in your life!
Download the free Silva Centering Exercise and start developing positive attitude today
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