Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Why is HTML5 important?

HTML5 promises users a better web experience than its predecessor across all devices whether they are Smartphones like the iPhone or Android, traditional Computers and the newer Tablets and Netbooks.

The 5 key reasons why HTML5 is important
1. Growing smartphone use for accessing the internet
2. Strong commitment and support from leading web companies
3. A richer feature set than earlier HTML versions
4. Growing support in the leading web browsers
5. Simplicity, Flexibility and Standardization

Growing smartphone use for accessing the internet
A number of users use smart phones today to access the Web. This trend is only expected to increase in the future. Devices like iPhones, Androids, Windows mobile are being used to check mails, post updates on Facebook and Twitter or to catch up on the latest news. The mobile web space will extend into several domains like sales, marketing and shopping.

Strong commitment and support from leading web companies
Several leading companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft have committed their support to the development of HTML5. This has made it possible to bring about positive changes in the web design field. Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs has declared support for HTML5 across all devices developed by the company. Google too is promoting HTML5 as the designing technology it prefers for all future websites designed.

A richer feature set than earlier HTML versions
Earlier versions of HTML had limitations when it came to graphics, video and multimedia content. This shortcoming has been effectively addressed in the latest version. The HTML5 features for adding rich web content like the canvas, video and audio elements provide much needed tools for designing websites. HTML5 provides an alternative to plug-in based technologies like Flash for adding multimedia content to websites. This makes for a uniform design interface.

Growing support in the leading web browsers
Top web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari and Opera support most of the features offered through HTML5. Even Internet Explorer’s latest version IE9 has also included some HTML5 features. This means that websites which were designed with HTML5 will offer a much better user web experience something which was lacking earlier due to different browsers standards.

Simplicity, Flexibility and Standardization
A simple and clean interface is a noteworthy feature of websites designed using HTML5. This makes it possible for the Web to expand and be accessible from various devices like hand held mobile phones and tablet PCs. The best part is that HTML5 seeks to standardize a fast evolving field to a platform where new developments can be better assimilated rather than causing large scale changes in design.


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