Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Use Power Sharing to Multiply Readers of Your Blog Posts

Carole Jelen 
The easy path to gain more blog readers? First, give the gift of social sharing buttons right there on every post. Make it easy for readers who like your post to share it with their network right from their mobile devices or laptops. Exposure and findability count for authors: your blog readers who share your post with their networks then open a path to  multiply readers via additional networks of others. We’re living in an era of power sharing: passing along news and items of interest to people quickly in a way that multiplies posts. You can ride that wave of readership interest if you do it right. Readers love quick, easy sharing of interesting information with their networks.

Second, use your own sharing buttons to share your own posts to readers on  your own networks. Think of your blog post as a  magazine article that you’re proud to be telling your friends and associates about. We use the sharing buttons at the bottom of every blog post here on The Platform blog. (Note: These are -not- the same buttons that connect you to a Facebook page, etc. The connect-to-my-network  buttons are at the top right corner here on The Platform blog page)  So it’s likely you found this blog post that we shared on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or LinkedIn pages,  and then you clicked over here to read the whole thing.
Third, you can use your sharing button marked “email”, to send to people you know will be interested in your post, and include your blog name/url in your auto signature line on your emails. Your blog deserves an announcement: it’s your self published online magazine. Some authors decide to go a step further when they’re done with every blog post by using the email share button to send to online directories, others’ blogs and group message boards.
Finally, get an RSS feed button on your blog.  RSS  automatically informs readers of updates automatically which makes them more likely to read your posts.
Every day I seek talent and publishing events through blogs, from indie authors to professional organizations, and it’s amazing how many do -not- have share buttons. When I read a post and there are no share buttons, the buck stops there; but when I see a post I like and easily share to my networks, the readership for that post is instantly and greatly expanded. As a a literary agent, I find talent using the Big Four networks, and like many publishers I also scout talent using keywords typed in the search box to find authors of interesting blogs.  I hope yours is next.
Please reply with your compelling reason to check out your blog!  And please,  use the buttons below to share this post about social sharing buttons with people who don’t have them.

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