Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Make Love Not War

make love not war with your body


Do you often hear yourself saying things like “I hate my thighs,” “look how flabby my arms are”, or “my stomach is too big?”

Women are conditioned to reject the bodies we were given, curves and all. Everything is up for critique and judgement including, but not limited to the hair on our heads and in our nether regions, our hips, butts, breasts, yada yada yada.
You name a part on a woman’s body and society will tell you what’s wrong with it and how to fix it.
It’s my practice to make love to my body. To thank each and every part for doing exactly what it was meant to do. Think about the miracle of your body. Every system is working in concert with each other to sustain life.
Here are 3 things I do to show my body how much I LOVE her.
~ I thank my body parts out loud for doing their job; “thank you legs for carrying the weight of my body and letting me walk, run, dance…”
~ While taking a shower or bath I take the time to feel the sensation in each part of my body as I wash myself. I also let the water take away any toxic feelings I have and I bid them farewell as they go down the drain
~ I dance or move each day for 10 minutes to a song that inspires you. One of my favs is Beyonce’s I Was Here
I’m not talking about a choreographed dance like in  Dancing With the Stars, but moving freely and letting my body go where it wants while I feel the vibration of the music.
It’s time we stop raging this war with our bodies and start practicing unconditional LOVE.

Gratitude, Appreciation, Respect.

Love and gratitude,

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