Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Key To Keywords

The Key To Keywords

Which words should you sprinkle in your online communications, such as Facebook profile, LinkedIn postings, blog entries, tweets, and Web site copy? Choose the ones that will match with the people you want to find, impress, and sell to. It is not rocket science, yet many people don’t pay enough attention to selecting the right keywords and using them often.

To determine the key words that are right for you:

·         Examine what a competitor or leader in your field uses.
·         Highlight words that are commonly used in your industry, field or genre.
·         Use all forms of these words – singular and plural, different tenses, etc.
·         Use words that will get the attention of the people you want to impress.

What are good keywords for writers? If the writer wants to target the attention of consumers, he or she may use one set of words. If he wants to impress peers or win over literary agents, he may use a different set of words – with some overlapping.

Let’s say you self-published a novel about two time travelers from the 1950s who come to the year 2012 to live out a paranormal sex fantasy. Okay, doesn’t sound like a page-turner, but which keywords might you need to:

·         Find a literary agent?
·         Get attention from a publisher?
·         Get media attention/?
·         Sell books?

Try any of these:
Literary agent (s)
Bestseller (s)
Novel (s)
Author (s)
Writer (s)
Historical fiction
Debut author (s)
New book (s)
New author (s)
Publisher (s)
Publishing industry
Book (s)
Ebook (s)
Indie book(s)
Indie author
Indie publishing
Publishing news
Author news
Book news
Book world
Time travel
First-time author (s)

You may also want to consider key keywords that pertain to books like yours, referencing their title or author. You might want to tie something into the news or to a popular person, place or thing.  Consider highlighting any reviews that you got, by mentioning the media outlet by name.

The main thing to remember about key words is this:

·         They are important to writers and publishers
·         The best ones change over time
·         They need to be used daily in all social media communications
·         They can expand into all kinds of categories and areas
·         Don’t overly repeat keywords to the point it is considered to be “keyword stuffing”  (frowned upon by search engines); a specific keywords can make up 4-7% of the text. This is known as having a low keyword density (that’s a good thing)
·         Keywords should appear in the title of blog posts, the first paragraph of a posting, tweets, the head of Web pages, and basically the beginning or top of anything that you circulate online.

So go out there and tweet, blog, and Facebook your way to more clicks and online traffic by using the best keywords every time you go online.

To gain insight on which words to use as your keywords, consult: http://adwords.google.com/select/keywordtoolexternal.

Source: http://bookmarketingbuzzblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-key-to-keywords.html

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