Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Improve Your Social Media

Improve Your Social Media With 11 Resources

I recently skimmed through a book called Klout Matters (McGraw-Hill Education.  I couldn’t stomach to hear about how I had to do things to appear important, but I guess that’s what social media is all about.  You need to have big numbers or you are seen as a nobody.

I have 13,200 LinkedIn connections but only around 400 Facebook friends.  Am I a somebody or a nobody?  Does quality count too, or only quantity?  Because our online actions can be quantified by clicks, signups, downloads, and other metrics, we get caught up in judging things by size.

But some of the numbers are meaningless or fail to reveal the whole story. 
Anyway, the book has some useful resources.  Here are some worth sharing with you (as quoted from the book):

Tool for organizing your social media channels and life. Think of it like an executive dashboard for your social media needs.

Organize your Gmail, social media networks and more with this handy tool.  We are blown away by the capabilities it has to help you stay in touch with people and engage.

Create podcasts on your smartphone, iPad or tablet and send them to the world.  Get into podcasting now with this tool.

This is a great audio-editing tool that is open source and free.  It can do a great job editing your audio podcasts, and it is something for every thought-leader to examine.

This plug-in allows visitors to your website to leave an audio comment for you.  This can be particularly helpful in audio podcasts to get real feedback from your listeners.

Survey Monkey                                                        
Content creators alert!  Rather than trying to think what you believe is important for your market, ask community members.  Survey Monkey is a great tool for  this.

Video Conferencing with Google+Hangout                                  
Since Skype was a client of Terry’s and he remains a big fan – we have to mention this.  Leverage the power of Skype to reach people worldwide.

Tool for automatic scheduling of social news you send.

Used with Gmail to identify various ways on social media and more to reach your contacts.  Good for  building relationships. 

Social Mention                                                          
Like Google Alert, but for social media. Find what the social media world is saying about a topic, trend or yourself!

Source: http://bookmarketingbuzzblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/improve-your-social-media-with-11.html

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