Selasa, 08 April 2014

Average Erect Penis Size Worldwide

Hard Facts: Average Erect Penis Size Worldwide

After the great response we had from this infographic on “Does Size Penis Matter,” we thought it was only right to have an infographic on the average size of a man’s penis from around the world…erect, of course. And don’t feel too bad f you are from the countries with smaller sizes, this infographic is not true to scale.
Being a dude myself, and located in the United States of America I’m a bit awe struck by the the longer lengths of men from across the Atlantic. I think I may just stay in the US or try traveling to the South Korea to feel better about myself. I am definitely not going to the Congo.
No way.
You may have noticed that the average size of the male member in the Congo is an impressive 7.1 inches. South Korea has a more modest size of 3.7 inches and America measures in at 5.1 inches for average “wang doodle” size/length.
At least I understand why American men have such big and fast cars. We really are compensating from wanting a larger penis;-)

Hard Facts: Average Erect Penis Size Worldwide - An Infographic from
Embedded from

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