Senin, 27 Januari 2014

How to Achieve Diamond

How to Achieve Diamond Level Membership Checklist Logo

Do you qualify for Diamond level membership?
Diamond level membership is reserved for EzineArticles highest caliber of Expert Authors. Only a very small percentage of authors make it into this level based on their consistent quality article submissions and more eligibility requirements.
We've broken it down so you too can achieve Diamond level membership.
What are the benefits of being an EzineArticles Diamond Expert Author?
As an exemplary Expert Author, your Diamond membership status shows you consistently write high-quality articles. In return, you gain the following benefits:
  • Unlimited article submissions
  • Monthly Summary access to article performance reports
  • Faster article reviews over all free membership levels
  • Support priority over all free membership levels
  • Diamond icon added to live articles
  • Author Spotlight on the homepage
  • Minimum word count for quality, original articles lowered to 250
Use this eligibility checklist to become a Diamond Level Member!
Achieve Diamond Level Membership Checklist
  1. Complete your Expert Author biography
    • Add your Author Photo
    • Write an error-free Biography
    • Add your relevant business links
    • Add your social media links
  2. Build your quality article portfolio. Make sure:
    • Your articles are 100% unique and exclusive to you
    • Your articles are transparent for easy digestion and understanding
    • Your articles deliver continuous quality throughout
    • Your articles are free of grammar and spelling errors
    • Your articles exhibit value with quality and informative content
    • Your articles have zero or minimum article rejections
    • Your links are relevant to the corresponding article topic
    • Your links are transparent and deliver a positive user-experience
  3. Repeat this checklist for all Alternate Authors on your account
Need help with any of the above check points? Our Member Support team is ready to help you become a stronger, better author by helping you pinpoint problematic areas in your articles. Select Contact Us from your account to contact Support.
Can you lose your Diamond status?
Yes; one of the most common issues for members who lose their Diamond status is failing to proofread their articles for grammar and spelling errors. The key to achieving and keeping your Diamond level membership is consistency in quailty and originality.
Do you think you're ready to become a Diamond Expert Author?
To apply for Diamond level membership:
  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select your account's member name dropdown menu from the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Membership Level.
  4. View the list of qualifications; if you currently don't qualify, a list detailing how you can enhance your eligibility will appear.
  5. When all of your eligibility requirements have been met, a "Request Diamond Membership Level" field will appear; enter your request.
  6. Select "Submit Diamond Membership Level Upgrade Request."
Good luck! Have questions or comments? Click here to visit this post online.
Want more information about EzineArticles Membership levels? Get an Upgrade: A Fresh Look at EzineArticles Membership Levels.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Don't forget about our Premium benefits package. It can have a huge impact on your efforts. Find out how at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement

Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..." The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.
Nigel Brooks

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