Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

The Nutritional Value of Carrots

The Nutritional Value of Carrots

CarrotsThe value of carrots – carrots supply many needed vitamins that our bodies need to work well. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and minerals such as lutein and potassium.

Carrots are a complex carbohydrate (the good carbohydrate). The carrot gets its normal and bright orange color from β-carotene; eating too many carrots can cause carotenosis, a mild condition in which the skin turns orange.

image of bugsbunny enjoying the value of carrots My experience

This actually happened to me years ago, while attending art school.
I enjoyed a fresh glass of carrot juice every morning for a couple of months until I realized the discoloration in my complexion. It was then brought to my attention that very possibly I was consuming way to much carotene, to often.
I made a swift change in the frequency of my consumption, and started drinking my carrot juice a few times a week instead of every day.

Nutritional information

Ethno medically, the roots are used as an emmenagogue (to increase blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus a carminative (to reduce flatulence), to treat digestive problems, intestinal parasites, and tonsillitis  or constipation. Lack of vitamin A can cause poor vision, including night vision, and this can be remedied by adding vitamin A to the diet. Source:

picture of carrots for value of carrotsHistory of the Carrot

In early use, carrots were grown for their aromatic leaves and seeds, not their roots. Carrot seeds were found in Switzerland and Southern Germany dating back to 2000–3000 BC. Some relatives of the carrot are still grown for their leaves and seeds, such as parsley, fennel, dill and cumin.  Source:
There are so many ways to introduce carrots into your diet.  For example, eating raw carrots as a snack during the day is great.  This becomes a healthier choice rather than reaching for a candy bar. On a personal note I prefer my carrots juiced or cooked. Carrots taste wonderful when added to soups and stews. Another nutritional value of carrots, is the fiber they give us.
Please try my Chicken Vegetable Soup for a healthy way to enjoy carrots.
Did you know that there is a city called Holtvill here in California that promotes itself as “Carrot Capitol of the World” and holds an annual festival devoted entirely to the carrot? Source:
The nutritional value of carrots is as important to our bodies as it is to Bugs Bunny!

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