Selasa, 08 September 2015

9 Lovely Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing

Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing
Kissing is a sweet workout that can spin your head around and make you happy in a matter of seconds. Even though you mostly use your lips and tongue during a kiss, your hands should also take part in this workout. The last thing you want to do when kissing is to stand still, even if you`re a fantastic kisser. When you and your partner do nothing with your hands, your kiss isn’t as seductive and passionate as you want. If you`re going to pleasantly surprise your boyfriend next time you kiss him, here are a few lovely ways to use your hands to jazz up your make out session

1. Hold his hands

Yellow Flower?

Adakah yang tahu nama bunga ini?

Kuncupnya, mirip kembang kertas
detilnya lihat di bawah


How appreciating a cup of tea can turn into a million dollars

a cup of tea

It doesn’t matter what we appreciate
You heard right.
The universe doesn’t care what we appreciate as long as we appreciate.
What matters to the universes is the FEELING of appreciation.
It doesn’t matter if we appreciate a cup of tea, a beautiful sunset or a million dollars.

It’s all the same vibration!
Why is that important?
Because the vibration of appreciation is the highest level vibration.
It’s the vibration of creation, love and joy.
All the same thing.
If we can tap into this feeling and start to align our vibration with that of source…
guess what…
We become powerful creators..
By appreciating the simple things in life,
EVERY simple thing in life..
We align with the most powerful forces in the universe…
And with ultimate abundance.
It’s like the universe saying –
“Like this? Great, here’s some more…
Like that too? Great, here’s some more of that too”
See what’s going on here?
If we appreciate..
Whatever we appreciate..
The universe will find ways to give us more things to appreciate.
And those things will get bigger and bigger…
So our cup of tea will turn into a million dollars!

Right now I am loving this moment:
I am sitting and writing to you with a lovely cup of tea
A wonderful breeze is blowing on my face
and I’m so grateful to be able to express my thoughts to you in this way
I want you to look around you
smell the air
find something in your immediate surrounding that you can appreciate
And say “ahhhhhh, that feels nice!”
It can be your cup of tea…
Your pillow…
Your blanket…
A beautiful song…
The cool breeze coming in through the window…
The more you do that,
just because it feels good
(NOT keeping score and expecting an outcome!)
The more things you’ll get to appreciate.
Appreciate because it feels good and what you want will follow.

Sang Arjuna

Ini bukanlah sebuah certa pewayangan. Tapi sebuah realita dalam kehidupan nyata. walau dunia adalah pangung sandiwara, tapi hidup adalah kenyataan. Kerja adalah sebuah ibadah. Iya gak kawan? Tetaplah bekerja semangat dan jujur, karena nilai diri seseorang akan tercermin dalam tingkah laku kita sehari-hari.. Semoga.
Keep Smile!..
itulah gaya mereka, walau kadang canda agak terlalu.