Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Five Reasons To Use The Silva Intuition System

Five Reasons To Use The Silva Intuition System

Updated and Refined

Total intuitive living is the Silva Method’s goal for each and every Silva student. Our experience shows that over 90% of Silva students experience an astonishing level of intuition after just two days of our intuition training.
These extremely high success rates are a result of over 5 decades of research and millions of dollars spent into perfecting the process of enhancing human intuition.
And after working with millions of Silva students from every possible age group and demographic, we can confidently state that our formula is one of the most optimized, tested and effective intuition solution you’ll ever find.
Alongside our proprietary Theta Level Mental Programming Technology, here are just 5 more reasons to use the Silva Intuition System:

1. The Holo-Viewing Technique
Enhancing the Human Compass

Silva Intuition System | The Holo-Viewing Technique: Enhancing the Human CompassMany personal growth courses teach you how to achieve your goals — but they fall short of showing you whether your goals are actually in line with your higher purpose. Here’s the problem. Often we aim for goals that are not aligned with our life purpose. We bend to societal norms and often move away from the direction of our dreams.
You can achieve any goal you want if – and ONLY if – the goal is aligned with your deeper purpose. When you’re aligned, roadblocks become manageable and that’s when you start to find all manner of coincidences, chance encounters and sheer luck appearing to help you along your path.
The problem is, we more than often go down the wrong path.
At Silva, we tackle this shortcoming with a set of powerful mental techniques. Think of them as a compass and rocket. The “compass” helps you determine if you’re on the right path. When you’re on this path, the “rocket” helps you move rapidly towards the goal.
The first technique, the “compass”, is known as the Holo-Viewing Technique. When you do this exercise, your higher intelligence will automatically guide you towards your life purpose, and set you on a straight path towards goals that are in line with this purpose — just like a compass.

Silva Intuition System | Mirror of the Mind Technique: Rocketing Towards Your Life Purpose

2. The Mirror of the Mind Technique
Rocketing Towards Your Life Purpose

The second component is the Mirror Of The Mind Technique. This Theta level exercise helps you carve a path towards the goals you have set, minimizing all obstacles in the way — and that’s why we call it the rocket.
This is a powerful version of creative visualization, but done at deeper levels of mind and using all your senses. The right mental attitudes and belief systems are also critical and the course helps you develop these.
With these 2 techniques, you will always know beyond a shadow of a doubt – whether it’s a career, relationship, lifestyle or health-related decision – that you’re on the right path and moving steadily towards your goals that are most aligned with your source.

3. Infinite Healing & Empathy With The
Five Step Projection Exercise Process

Projection exercises are designed to train your mind to project your awareness across time and space, to different locations.
Silva Intuition System | Infinite Healing & Empathy With the 5- Step Projection Excercise ProcessNumerous benefits await when you master this ability — you’ll be able to visualize people, places, animals and objects with pinpoint clarity, solve even the trickiest of problems, and gain a deep understanding of your surroundings.
Silva students are given 5 levels of Projection Exercises, each one more complex than the next.
These levels involve projecting yourself into:
  • A familiar environment, such as your living room
  • Different types of metals
  • Plants
  • Animals
  • A human being

4. Detect Abnormalities & Heal Others From A Distance
With Caseworking Exercises

Silva Intuition System | The Holo-Viewing Technique: Enhancing the Human CompassCaseworking is the absolute pinnacle of a human being’s intuitive abilities, and it has been a part of the Silva program for over 4 decades.
Silva students who practice Caseworking are able to accurately visualize, diagnose and help other people — from a distance
This is by far the most astonishing technique presented in our workshops. Students who have never demonstrated any significant level of intuition find themselves able to describe other people – known as ‘targets’ – with pinpoint levels of accuracy.
Here’s just one example. In one of our classes in Los Angeles, a participant who was given the name, age, gender and location of a target he had never met began to visualize an image in his head.
He said, “All I see is the Pillsbury Doughboy, but with a big cut on his stomach.”
The target in question was revealed to be suffering from obesity, and had just gone for liposuction. And yes, she did have a cut on her stomach, from where the fat had been removed.

5. Beyond The Alpha Level
Theta & Delta Functioning

Silva Intuition System | The Holo-Viewing Technique: Enhancing the Human Compass
You may have heard of the Alpha Level. This too was a technique pioneered by Jose Silva, and used by numerous mental awakening courses to guide users into a state of meditation.
Similar to the Theta Level, the Alpha Level takes your brainwaves down to 7 – 14 cycles per second, and allows for enhanced creativity, relaxation, healing and intuition.
Think of the Theta Level as an advanced version of the Alpha Level. Both states offer similar benefits, with Theta guiding you into a significantly higher level of consciousness.
Further advanced techniques such as the Delta Doorway will teach you how to tap into higher guidance while at the ‘near-sleep’ Delta levels of mind.


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