Selasa, 01 April 2014

15 Facts About Life

15 Facts About Life That Are Hilariously True, Some Of Them Are Thought-Provoking

These graphs can tell you the truths of our lives, some of them are really hilarious ones while the others will lead you to carefully think about the way we lead our lives these days.

1. How Long A Human Can Live Without…

live without
Since when we got harder to live without the internet? Sometimes I do wonder how we used to live without the internet, didn’t we still figure out how to communicate with people without our smartphones or computer, and how to find the way to a place without GPS?

2. The Biggest Lies On The Internet

lies on the internet
Admit it, it happens all the time. What you say in a text message is not exactly what you mean or how you feel. Did you really laugh out really loud the last time you typed LOL?

3. Birthday Greetings On Your Facebook Wall

birthday greetingsThe awkward moment you forgot where you met that person who just wrote happy birthday on your Facebook wall – does this ring a bell to you?

4. Instagramatical Hierarchy of Needs

instagramWhat’s the intention of showing edited photos on Instagram? What’s the need that people crave for?

5. About Online Dating

On one hand, people encourage you to go online dating because it’s really common nowadays; on the other hand, you’re reluctant to tell others that your date was met online because you don’t want others to think that you’re not good at networking in real life.

6. How Long “Never” Lasts

never lasts
Above are just some of the common cases in life, I bet you can think of more examples in which you said you’d never do something again but then oops you did it again! The first time you do something wrong may be a mistake, but it’s your choice if you’re doing this for the second time.

7. Salary Index

What was your aspiration when you were small? Why it’s changed as you grow up? Reality is kind of cruel sometimes as shown in the above graph, but I still believe that with your persistence and passion, you’ll succeed with what you like doing one day.

8. Content of Women’s Magazines

Okay, so the media is telling you to be yourself and accept your faults, but at the same time things about how to lose weight are all over it. Women (and men), do you realize how much the media’s shaping your daily life?

9. The Evolution of Digital Media

What are we reading now? Advertisements or real knowledge and information? Since when ads have been more important than knowledge?

10. Your Knowledge of The Traffic Laws

traffic law
This applies not only to knowledge of the traffic laws, in fact, we lose most of our knowledge as we graduated (especially if your career is nothing related to what you studied before). But is knowledge supposed to be lost in our brain this way?

11. Guide To Laundry Symbols

laundry guideI think this is a sweet one! I know everyone of us should really know all these laundry guide symbols, but mom really has already known these all. We love our moms, don’t we?

12. Hollywood Movies hollywood movies

Robocop, Man of Steel, Amazing Spiderman….you know what I’m talking about here. I thought we’re getting smarter, where has our creativity gone?

13. Job Titles

job title
Sometimes, I do wonder the reason of having such complicated job titles these days. Is it really because of the change of job nature or the way we see job titles now?

14. Opening Hours of Banks

band opening hour
This really is one of the funniest things. Only those who don’t need to work full-time can go to the bank. Who do banks serve?

15. Simple Improvements to the Current Calendar Week

calendar week
This is just a joke of course, but I bet most of us would love to have a calendar week like this.


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